Carti ERC

Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in

Pret: 334.00 RON
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Miles Larmer (Editor)

Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa's Borderland Communities


Anul aparitiei: 2021

The first comparative historical analysis - local, national and transnational - of the cross-border Central African copperbelt; a key work in studies of labour, urbanisation and African studies. The Central African Copperbelt, encompassing the mining communities of Katanga (DR Congo) and Zambia, has been central to the study of modernisation and rapid social and political change in urban Africa. This volume expands upon earlier studies of industrial mining, male-dominated formal labour organisation and political change by examining both sides of the border from pre-colonial history to the present and encompassing a wide range of economic, social and cultural identities and activities. Bringing together scholars from a range of disciplines, the contributors explore copperbelt communities' sense of identity - expressed in comic strips and football matches, their precarious and inventive ways of living, their involvement in church and education, and the processes and impact of urbanisation and development, environmental degradation and changing gender relations. A major contribution to borderland studies, in showing how the meaning and relevance of the border to the copperbelt's mixed ...


Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars

Pret: 889.00 RON
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Michael Le Bars (Editor)

Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars


Anul aparitiei: 2020

This book explores the dynamics of planetary and stellar fluid layers, including atmospheres, oceans, iron cores, and convective and radiative zones in stars, describing the different theoretical, computational and experimental methods used to study these problems in fluid mechanics, including the advantages and limitations of each method for different problems. This scientific domain is by nature interdisciplinary and multi-method, but while much effort has been devoted to solving open questions within the various fields of mechanics, applied mathematics, physics, earth sciences and astrophysics, and while much progress has been made within each domain using theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches, cross-fertilizations have remained marginal. Going beyond the state of the art, the book provides readers with a global introduction and an up-to-date overview of relevant studies, fully addressing the wide range of disciplines and methods involved. The content builds on the CISM course "Fluid mechanics of planets and stars", held in April 2018, which was part of the research project FLUDYCO, supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon ...


Primary Sources and Asian Pasts

Pret: 785.00 RON
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Peter C. Bisschop (Editor)

Primary Sources and Asian Pasts


Anul aparitiei: 2020

This conference volume unites a wide range of scholars working in the fields of history, archaeology, religion, art, and philology in an effort to explore new perspectives and methods in the study of primary sources from premodern South and Southeast Asia. The contributions engage with primary sources (including texts, images, material artefacts, monuments, as well as archaeological sites and landscapes) and draw needed attention to highly adaptable, innovative, and dynamic modes of cultural production within traditional idioms. The volume works to develop categories of historical analysis that cross disciplinary boundaries and represent a wide variety of methodological concerns. By revisiting premodern sources, Asia Beyond Boundaries also addresses critical issues of temporality and periodization that attend established categories in Asian Studies, such as the "Classical Age" or the "Gupta Period". This volume represents the culmination of the European Research Council (ERC) Synergy project Asia Beyond Boundaries: Religion, Region, Language and the State, a research consortium of the British Museum, the British Library and the School of Oriental and African Studies, in partnership ...


Seneca the Elder and His Rediscovered >Historiae

Pret: 1541.00 RON
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Scappaticcio European Research Council ( (Editor)

Seneca the Elder and His Rediscovered >Historiae ab initio bellorum civilium


Anul aparitiei: 2020

The refreshed insights into early-imperial Roman historiography this book offers are linked to a recent discovery. In the spring of 2014, the binders of the archive of Robert Marichal were dusted off by the ERC funded project PLATINUM (ERC-StG 2014 n 636983) in response to Tiziano Dorandi's recollections of a series of unpublished notes on Latin texts on papyrus. Among these was an in-progress edition of the Latin rolls from Herculaneum, together with Marichal's intuition that one of them had to be ascribed to a certain 'Annaeus Seneca'. PLATINUM followed the unpublished intuition by Robert Marichal as one path of investigation in its own research and work. Working on the Latin P.Herc. 1067 led to confirm Marichal's intuitions and to go beyond it: P.Herc. 1067 is the only extant direct witness to Seneca the Elder's Historiae. Bringing a new and important chapter of Latin literature arise out of a charred papyrus is significant. The present volume is made up of two complementary sections, each of which contains seven contributions. They are in close dialogue with each other, as looking at the same literary matter from several points of view yields undeniable advantages and ...


Poetics and Politics

Pret: 272.00 RON
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Bernhart European Research Council (Erc) (Editor)

Poetics and Politics


Anul aparitiei: 2020

Far from teleological historiography, the pan-European perspective on Early Modern drama offered in this volume provides answers to why, how, where and when the given phenomena of theatre appear in history. Using theories of circulation and other concepts of exchange, transfer and movement, the authors analyze the development and differentiation of European secular and religious drama, within the disciplinary framework of comparative literature and the history of literature and concepts. Within this frame, aspects of major interest are the relationship between tradition and innovation, the status of genre, the proportion of autonomous and heteronomous creational dispositions within the artefacts or genres they belong to, as well as strategies of functionalization in the context of a given part of the cultural net. Contributions cover a broad range of topics, including poetics of Early Modern Drama; political, institutional and social practices; history of themes and motifs (Stoffgeschichte); history of genres/cross-fertilization between genres; textual traditions and distribution of texts; questions of originality and authorship; theories of circulation and net structures in Drama ...


Theatre Cultures within Globalising Empires

Pret: 272.00 RON
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K (Editor)

Theatre Cultures within Globalising Empires


Anul aparitiei: 2020

This volume presents the proceedings of the international conference "Theatre Cultures within Globalising Empires: Looking at Early Modern England and Spain", held in 2012 as part of the ERC Advanced Grant Project Early Modern European Drama and the Cultural Net (DramaNet). Implementing the concept of culture as a virtual network, it investigates Early modern European drama and its global dissemination. The 12 articles of the volume - all written by experts in the field teaching in the United Kingdom, the USA, Russia, Switzerland, India and Germany - focus on a selection of English and Spanish dramas from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Analysing and comparing motifs, formal parameters as well as plot structures, they discuss the commonalities and differences of Early modern drama in England and Spain.


Acrossborders 2: Living in New Kingdom Sai. with

Pret: 3745.00 RON
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Julia Budka (Author)

Acrossborders 2: Living in New Kingdom Sai. with Contributions by Johannes Auenmuller, Annette M. Hansen, Frits Heinrich, Veronica Hint


Anul aparitiei: 2020

This volume is the second in a series of monographs presenting the results of the ERC project AcrossBorders on the island of Sai in Sudan. Findings from excavations and surveys in various areas of the Egyptian town are used to reconstruct life in the New Kingdom (c. 1530-1070 BC). The architecture, the material culture, but also the geology, botanical remains and animal bones are analysed. Overall, the findings presented here for the first time not only emphasize the important role of Sai in the New Kingdom, but also give new insights into the lives of its inhabitants.



Pret: 670.00 RON
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Nathan Vasconcellos de Almeida Machado (Author)



Anul aparitiei: 2018

No Brasil, como em diversos países pelo mundo, a alteração na normatização contábil em decorrência do processo de convergência às normas internacionais de contabilidade (IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards), tem motivado vários agentes econômicos a buscarem evidências da qualidade da informação contábil em consequência da mudança do paradigma contábil, assim como da prática de gerenciamento de resultados (GR) nessa década. Neste estudo, buscou-se verificar no cenário nacional se as informações contábeis são relevantes mediante o uso do Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC). Segundo estudos internacionais, um dos fenômenos que vem ocorrendo nos últimos anos tem sido o seu declínio.


Uprawa Parthenu (Parthenium hysterophorus L.)

Pret: 473.00 RON
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Ibrahim Mehdi (Author)

Uprawa Parthenu (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) Chwasty


Anul aparitiei: 2020

Histerofos Parthenium jest jednym z gatunków zielnych, który zagraża rodzimym gatunkom i ekosystemom w Etiopii. Chwast ten jest szczególnie niepokojący ze względu na swoją zdolnośc do szybkiego rozprzestrzeniania się, wysoką konkurencyjnośc i zdolnośc do kolonizacji nowych obszarów w krótkich okresach czasu. Wywoluje on zmiany we wlaściwościach fizykochemicznych gleby, jest szkodliwy i niesmaczny dla roślinożerców, zastępuje pastwiska rangelandów i ma negatywny wplyw na zdrowie ludzi i zwierząt gospodarskich, obniżając jakośc mleka i mięsa. Glówny niepokój budzi charakter i dotkliwośc jego wplywu na spoleczeństwo, życie gospodarcze, zdrowie i dziedzictwo narodowe. Obecnie metody zwalczania inwazji borówki czarnoziennej w Etiopii polegają glównie na odchwaszczaniu ręcznym, wykonywanym glównie przez kobiety i dzieci. Aby rozwiązac jeden z glównych problemów związanych z tym chwastem, konieczne bylo opracowanie nowego zrównoważonego podejścia do zarządzania w skuteczny sposób.


Ewolucja seksualności we wsp

Pret: 473.00 RON
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Ravikumar Kurup (Author)

Ewolucja seksualności we wsp


Anul aparitiei: 2020

Neandertalskie geny zostaly opisane w populacji homo sapien. Struktura neandertalskiego mózgu powoduje dominację kobiet i matriarchalne wzorce spoleczne. Fenotyp neandertalczyka jest spowodowany symbiozą przez archaiki aktynowców wykorzystujących cholesterol jako substrat energetyczny. Rosnący katabolizm cholesterolowy spowodowany przez archaiki aktynowców powoduje wyczerpywanie się cholesterolu z organizmu. Powoduje to zahamowanie syntezy estrogenów i testosteronu. Prowadzi to do stanu bezplciowego i zachowania androgynicznego. Dorosle fenotypy autystyczne powstale w wyniku archaicznej endosymbiozy nie posiadają umiejętności spolecznych i lask potrzebnych do kontaktu spolecznego, co prowadzi do zahamowania spontanicznych, prawidlowych zachowań heteroseksualnych i życia rodzinnego oraz interakcji. Nastąpiloby nadmierne poleganie lub natychmiastowe zadoścuczynienie ze strony Internetu i sztucznej inteligencji. Prowadzi to do zalamania stosunków międzyludzkich, tworząc świat bezplodnej populacji roślinożerców.



Pret: 473.00 RON
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G (Author)



Anul aparitiei: 2018

Con el envejecimiento cada vez más creciente de la población la Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) se destaca por su relevancia como un problema actual de salud. Por lo tanto, su diagnóstico precoz, determinar factores de progresión e intervenir oportunamente son elementos imprescindibles en los pacientes de 60 años y más con vista a detener su evolución a ERC- Terminal. En los centros hospitalarios se reciben muchos pacientes de la tercera edad con ERC y en los servicios de diálisis en estadio terminal de la enfermedad, en los cuales nunca se diagnosticó la misma, de ahí la importancia de este trabajo, ya que la autora demuestra la prevalencia hospitalaria de la ERC en el adulto mayor, el desconocimiento de la existencia de la misma, la importancia de su detección oportuna y propone un conjunto de actividades que se deben instrumentar en todos los niveles de atención de salud para contribuir a detener su progresión.



Pret: 438.00 RON
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Nelson Manuel Marca Zuna (Author)



Anul aparitiei: 2018

El Estado debe buscar ampliar la cobertura y cubrir grupos vulnerables, con un seguro de salud, fomentar la coordinación entre los diferentes niveles de atención de salud y sectores de la sociedad para la rehabilitación adecuada del paciente de ERC en hemodiálisis. Realizar un Adecuado registro de datos de Diálisis, que comprenda variables que puedan medir la verdadera dimensión de la ERC G5D. Realizar un trabajo Integral multidisciplinario coordinado entre Médicos, Enfermeras, Nutricionista, Psicólogos y Trabajadoras Sociales en todos los servicios es importante la cualificación al personal que está en contacto con los pacientes con ERC a través de grupos de educación continua.



Pret: 438.00 RON
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P (Author)



Anul aparitiei: 2019

Los análisis tradicionales del equilibrio y los modelos racionales de aprendizaje incorporan una visión deductiva del comportamiento con racionalidad perfecta y un alto grado de sofisticación a los jugadores. Los modelos de adaptación dinámica toman un punto de vista inductivo del comportamiento, con menos sofisticación pero con incertidumbre estratégica ilimitada. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis del procedimiento lineal de rastreo (PLR) y el equilibrio de respuesta cuantal (ERC) y las aplicaciones de estos procedimientos a unos juegos conocidos. También explora la aplicación de elementos de dinámica económica a estos juegos y su posible relación con situaciones sociales, especialmente de acción colectiva, entendida como la acción conjunta de grupos de personas que persiguen un propósito común, por intereses compartidos, afinidades o similitudes en las preferencias. Cabe advertir, sin embargo, que la sola identificación de intereses no se traduce necesariamente en acciones que busquen el objetivo común, ya que, frente al colectivo, persisten las preferencias estrictamente individuales.


Temple Landscapes: Fragility, Change and

Pret: 590.00 RON
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Charles French (Editor)

Temple Landscapes: Fragility, Change and Resilience of Holocene Environments in the Maltese Islands


Anul aparitiei: 2021

The ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project (Fragility and sustainability in small island environments: adaptation, cultural change and collapse in prehistory, 2013-18), led by Caroline Malone (Queens University Belfast) has explored issues of environmental fragility and Neolithic social resilience and sustainability during the Holocene period in the Maltese Islands.This, the first volume of three, presents the palaeo-environmental story of early Maltese landscapes. The project employed a program of high-resolution chronological and stratigraphic investigations of the valley systems on Malta and Gozo. Buried deposits extracted through coring and geoarchaeological study yielded rich and chronologically controlled data that allow an important new understanding of environmental change in the islands. The study combined AMS radiocarbon and OSL chronologies with detailed palynological, molluscan and geoarchaeological analyses. These enable environmental reconstruction of prehistoric landscapes and the changing resources exploited by the islanders between the seventh and second millennia bc. The interdisciplinary studies combined with excavated economic and environmental materials from archaeological ...


Outils de diagnostic pour la gestion de la

Pret: 385.00 RON
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Ciprian Stroia (Author)

Outils de diagnostic pour la gestion de la fertilisation des prairies


Anul aparitiei: 2021

Les prairies permanentes occupent une place très importante dans le paysage agricole. Comparée aux cultures annuelles, elles constituent des agro-systèmes particuliers qui se caractérisent par la complexité et l'originalité de leurs cycle des éléments minéraux.Les travaux présentés s'appuient sur des données recueillies sur trois dispositifs. Il s'agit de deux dispositifs expérimentaux mis en place dans les Pyrénées centrales (Ercé), dans le Massif-Central (Gramond), en France et dans les Carpates Méridionaux (Dealu Sasului), en Roumanie. Les questions auxquelles on souhaite répondre sont les suivantes: quelle est la dose d'engrais phosphaté qu'il est nécessaire d'apporter pour être à l'optimum et valoriser l'azote apporté par les engrais et celui libéré par la minéralisation de l'azote organique du sol? 2-quelle est l'évolution des indicateurs qui permettent de faire un diagnostic sur le niveau des disponibilités en P (indices de nutrition, analyse de terre...) en relation avec les pratiques? 3-au bout de combien de temps verra t'on une réponse aux impasses de phosphore et d'azote. 4-quelles sont les évolutions dans la composition botanique associées ...


Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in

Pret: 1507.00 RON
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Carolina Machado (Editor)

Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Management and Engineering

Editura: CRC PR INC

Anul aparitiei: 2022

Industry 4.0 is a challenge for today's businesses. It's a concept that encompasses the technological innovations of automation, control, and information technology, as it's applied to manufacturing processes. It's a new topic that recently emerged in academia and industry, with few books that target both management and engineering. This book will cover the new advances and the way to manage competitive organizations. The chapters will include terms of theory, evidence, and/or methodology, and significantly advance social scientific research. This book: Focuses on the latest and most recent research findings occurring on the topic of Industry 4.0 Presents the ways companies around the world are facing today's technological challenges Assists researchers and practitioners in selecting the correct options and strategies to manage competitive organizations Provides recent advances in international studies Encompasses the main technological innovations in the fields of automation, control, and information technology applied to the manufacturing processes Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Manangment and Engineering is designed to increase the knowledge and ...


Die Ordonnance de la Marine Und Die Franzosische

Pret: 1541.00 RON
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Silvia Kristin Karmann (Author)

Die Ordonnance de la Marine Und Die Franzosische Versicherungspraxis: Die Entwicklung Des Versicherungsvertragsrechts in Frankreich Vom Guidon de la M


Anul aparitiei: 2021

Die als Teil des ERC-Projekts CHILE verfasste Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss der Versicherungspraxis auf die erste franzosische Versicherungsvertragsgesetzgebung. Untersuchungsgegenstand waren daher die Versicherungsvertragsbestimmungen der Ordonnance de la marine von 1681, die vorherigen Seeversicherungsvertrage aus Frankreich und der ebenfalls zuvor abgefasste Guidon de la mer sowie der spater folgende Code de commerce von 1807. Zweifellos festgestellt wird, dass die vor den gesetzlichen Regelungen vertraglich vereinbarten Versicherungsbedingungen maageblich zum Inhalt der Bestimmungen der Ordonnance de la marine und des Code de commerce beigetragen haben. Im Ergebnis besteht also ein evidenter Einfluss der Versicherungspraxis auf die ersten franzosischen Versicherungsvertragsgesetze. Daneben erscheint ein zumindest partieller Einfluss der fruheren Versicherungsgesetze der Nachbarlander sowie der in der Praxis entwickelten versicherungsspezifischen Grundsatze wahrscheinlich.


The Renewal of Medieval Metaphysics: Berthold of

Pret: 1672.00 RON
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Dragos Calma (Editor)

The Renewal of Medieval Metaphysics: Berthold of Moosburg's Expositio on Proclus' Elements of Theology


Anul aparitiei: 2021

This is the first volume exclusively devoted to the Expositio by Berthold of Moosburg (c.1295-c.1361) on Proclus' Elements of Theology. The breadth of its vision surpasses every other known commentary on the Elements of Theology, for it seeks to present a coherent account of the Platonic tradition as such (unified through the concord of Proclus and Dionysius) and at the same time to consolidate and transform a legacy of metaphysics developed in the German-speaking lands by Peripatetic authors (like Albert the Great, Ulrich of Strassburg, and Dietrich of Freiberg). This volume aims to provide a basis for further research and discussion of this unduly overlooked commentary, whose historical-philosophical importance as an attempt to refound Western metaphysics is beginning to be recognized. The publication of this volume has received the generous support of the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ERC Consolidator Grant NeoplAT: A Comparative Analysis of the Middle East, Byzantium and the Latin West (9th-16th Centuries), grant agreement No 771640 ( "[...] the volume displays various ...


Supersapientia: Berthold of Moosburg and the

Pret: 1727.00 RON
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Evan King (Author)

Supersapientia: Berthold of Moosburg and the Divine Science of the Platonists


Anul aparitiei: 2021

This study examines the motivations and doctrinal coherence of the Commentary on the Elements of Theology of Proclus written by Berthold of Moosburg, O.P. (+ c. 1361/1363). It provides an overview of Berthold's biography and intellectual contexts, his manuscript remains, and a partial edition of his annotations on Macrobius and Proclus. Through a close analysis of the three prefaces to the Commentary, giving special attention to Berthold's sources, it traces the Dominican's elaboration of Platonism as a soteriological science. The content of this science is then presented in a systematic reconstruction of Berthold's cosmology and anthropology. The volume includes an English translation of the three fundamental prefaces of the Commentary. The publication of this volume has received the generous support of the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the ERC Consolidator Grant NeoplAT: A Comparative Analysis of the Middle East, Byzantium and the Latin West (9th-16th Centuries), grant agreement No 771640 ( "This is, indeed, a precious insight into the spirit of Berthold's philosophical thinking. ...


Non-Aligned Psychiatry in the Cold War:

Pret: 968.00 RON
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Ana Antic (Author)

Non-Aligned Psychiatry in the Cold War: Revolution, Emancipation and Re-Imagining the Human Psyche


Anul aparitiei: 2022

This book explores the relationship between socialist psychiatry and political ideology during the Cold War, tracing Yugoslav 'psy' sciences as they experienced multiple internationalisations and globalisations in the post-WWII period. These unique transnational connections - with West, East and South - remain at the centre of this book. The author argues that the 'psy' disciplines provide a window onto the complications of Cold War internationalism, offering an opportunity to re-think postwar Europe's internal dynamics. She tells an alternative, pan-European narrative of the post-1945 period, demonstrating that, in the Cold War, there existed sites of collaboration and vigorous exchange between the two ideologically opposed camps, and places like Yugoslavia provided a meeting point, where ideas, frameworks and professional and cultural networks from both sides of the Iron Curtain could overlap and transform each other. Moreover, the book offers the first analysis of East European psychiatrists' contacts with and contributions to the decolonizing world, exploring their participation in broader political discussions about decolonization, anti-imperialism and non-alignment. The ...

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