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The Enigma of the Hyksos. Volume III:

Pret: 1116.00 RON
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Silvia Prell (Author)

The Enigma of the Hyksos. Volume III: Vorderasiatische Bestattungssitten Im Ostdelta Agyptens - Eine Spurensuche


Anul aparitiei: 2021

Im spaten Mittleren Reich und der 2. Zwischenzeit wurde die Bevolkerung Agyptens mit zwei vormals unbekannten Phanomenen konfrontiert: zum einen mit der Ansiedlung einer nicht unbedeutenden Anzahl von asiatischen Migranten im ostlichen Nildelta und zum anderen der daraus resultierenden Herrschaft zweier auslandischer Dynastien, den Vorgangern der Hyksos (14. Dynastie) und den Hyksos selbst (15. Dynastie), die den Norden des Landes und den Handel mit der Levante ca. 200 Jahre kontrollierten. Nach Agypten waren diese Einwanderer gewiss mit Billigung der agyptischen Krone gekommen, um eine hybride agypto-levantinische Kultur in einem bedeutenden Handelszentrum seiner Zeit, Tell el-Dabca/Avaris, zu erschaffen. Den archaologischen Relikten zufolge, hatten diese Zuwanderer ihre Wurzeln im Nahen Osten, auch wenn ihre genaue geographische Herkunft und ihre kulturelle und "ethnische Identitat" immer noch Gegenstand aktueller Forschung sind. In dieser Publikation, die im Rahmen des ERC Advanced Grants "The Enigma of the Hyksos" unter der Leitung von Manfred Bietak entstanden ist, wird speziell untersucht, inwiefern fremde Bestattungssitten, die in der Mittleren Bronzezeit im Ostdelta ...


The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume IV: Changing

Pret: 1550.00 RON
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Manfred Bietak (Editor)

The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume IV: Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age. Collected Papers of a Workshop Held in Vienna 4th-


Anul aparitiei: 2021

The volume comprises the collected papers of a workshop titled 'Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age' (Vienna, December 2019), organised by the ERC Advanced Grant 'The Enigma of the Hyksos'. During the second half of the 12th Dynasty, Egypt confronted an influx of foreigners settling in the Eastern Nile Delta. Potentially linked to this migration was the subsequent ad interim rule of two foreign dynasties (14th and 15th Dynasties) over Northern Egypt. Information about the exact origin of the Near Easterners responsible for the rise of Hyksos rule is sparse and several questions regarding the Hyksos and their predecessors still require further investigation, including: their exact geographical origin, the degree of their cultural and ethnic homogeneity, the reasons for their migration to Egypt, the means by which they assumed political control and the extent to which they maintained ties to their places of origin. For these questions to be explored, several multi-disciplinary analyses ensued from various contexts across Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Egypt prior to and during the so-called Hyksos Period. These include material cultural analyses, ...


Buddhism in Central Asia II: Practice and Rituals,

Pret: 1899.00 RON
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Yukiyo Kasai

Buddhism in Central Asia II: Practice and Rituals, Visual and Material Transfer


Anul aparitiei: 2022

The ERC-funded research project BuddhistRoad aims to create a new framework to enable understanding of the complexities in the dynamics of cultural encounter and religious transfer in pre-modern Eastern Central Asia. Buddhism was one major factor in this exchange: for the first time the multi-layered relationships between the trans-regional Buddhist traditions (Chinese, Indian, Tibetan) and those based on local Buddhist cultures (Khotanese, Uyghur, Tangut) will be explored in a systematic way. The second volume Buddhism in Central Asia II--Practice and Rituals, Visual and Materials Transfer based on the mid-project conference held on September 16th-18th, 2019, at CERES, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) focuses on two of the six thematic topics addressed by the project, namely on "practices and rituals", exploring material culture in religious context such as mandalas and talismans, as well as "visual and material transfer", including shared iconographies and the spread of 'Khotanese' themes.


Asplos '18: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third

Pret: 1837.00 RON
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Asplos (Author)

Asplos '18: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operat

Editura: ACM

Anul aparitiei: 2018

The ASPLOS'18 program is the result of a thorough evaluation process, which we started by forming the program committee (PC) with 50 members and the external review committee (ERC) with 73 members. Moreover, we split up the PC into two independent sub-PCs while keeping the ERC as a single unit. We carefully assigned the PC members to the two groups, ensuring that (1) each sub-PC would cover all ASPLOS topics and (2) the experts on each topic would be evenly split across the sub-PCs. In response to the call for papers, we received 319 submissions, just one shy of last year's record. (This number includes 18 submissions that were either withdrawn by their authors or desk-rejected for clear violations of the formatting rules.) After receiving reviewing bids from most committee members, we also split the submissions evenly across the two sub-PCs, so that each submission would receive reviews from only one sub-PC. We manually moved submissions across sub-PCs to maximize reviewer expertise, according to the PC members' bids. The review process proceeded in two rounds, followed by an extensive online discussion period. During the first round, all submissions received 3-4 reviews. Based on ...


Arqueologia Y Techne/ Archaeology and Techne:

Pret: 498.00 RON
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Jose Remesal Rodriguez (Editor)

Arqueologia Y Techne/ Archaeology and Techne: Metodos Formales, Nuevos Enfoques / Formal Methods, New Approaches


Anul aparitiei: 2022

'Arqueologia y Techne ' presenta varios trabajos realizados por los miembros del equipo del proyecto europeo EPNet (Produccion y distribucion de alimentos durante el Imperio Romano: Dinamica economica y politica; ERC Advanced Grant 2013-ADG 340828). Aqui se publican diversas investigaciones y resultados interdisciplinarios. El objetivo principal del proyecto EPNet era utilizar herramientas formales para falsificar las hipotesis existentes sobre la economia romana para comprender que productos, en que periodos, se distribuyeron a traves de las diferentes regiones geograficas. Tambien se destaca el papel que desempenaban los diferentes agentes politicos y economicos en el control de los productos y las redes comerciales.


The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume V. Zwischen Den

Pret: 1116.00 RON
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Elisa Priglinger (Author)

The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume V. Zwischen Den Zeiten: Uberlegungen Zum Ende Der Drei Reiche Im Alten Agypten


Anul aparitiei: 2022

Dieser Band ist die uberarbeitete Fassung von Elisa Priglingers Dissertation "Zum Niedergang des Alten, des Mittleren und des Neuen Reiches: eine vergleichende Studie", die unter der Betreuung von Manfred Bietak im Rahmen des ERC Advanced Grant Project "The Enigma of the Hyksos" entstanden ist. Dabei konnten im Research Track 2 Migration Studies vor allem die komplexen Themenbereiche Migration und Kulturtheorie erweitert und vertiefend behandelt werden. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf die unterschiedlichen Ursachen fur Entwicklungen am Ende der sogenannten Reiche des alten Agypten. Die Autorin prasentiert die aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkte zu den einzelnen Epochen und zeigt zugleich die Grenzen unseres momentanen Kenntnisstandes auf. Die agyptologische Forschung hat sich im Laufe der Jahrzehnte hinsichtlich der Beurteilung der historischen Ablaufe stark gewandelt - die Rekonstruktion der agyptischen Geschichte in Reiche und Zwischenzeiten ist jedoch geblieben. Die Wirkmacht der zugrundeliegenden historischen Periodisierung auf die Interpretation sowie die Wahl der Forschungsfragen ist auch innerhalb der heutigen Forschung klar zu erkennen. Das Buch nimmt eine neue ...


Welchen Einfluss hat die Work-Life-Balance auf die

Pret: 339.00 RON
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G (Author)

Welchen Einfluss hat die Work-Life-Balance auf die Mitarbeitermotivation? Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben


Anul aparitiei: 2018

In den letzten Jahren hat die Work-Life-Balance zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Mittlerweile gehört die Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben in vielen Firmen fest zur Unternehmensphilosophie. Sie trägt hier ma geblich zum Image und Erfolg des Unternehmens bei. Doch was genau ist unter Work-Life-Balance zu verstehen? Und wie wirkt sie sich auf die Motivation der Arbeitnehmer aus? Diesen Fragen geht der Autor Ercüment Gök in seiner Publikation nach. Er erklärt dabei auch, welche gesellschaftlichen Grundlagen dahinterstehen. Die ersten Work-Life-Balance-Konzepte entstanden bereits Anfang der 70er Jahre. Sie sollten den Arbeitsalltag angenehmer gestalten und eine Überforderung der Mitarbeiter verhindern. Gök zeigt, wie die zunehmende Globalisierung, der technische Fortschritt sowie die demografische Entwicklung die Work-Life-Balance immer weiter in den Fokus gerückt haben. Aus dem Inhalt: - Work-Life-Balance; - Arbeitsleben; - Motivation; - Arbeitnehmer; - Gesundheit


Wie beeinflusst die Generation Y das Employer

Pret: 410.00 RON
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G (Author)

Wie beeinflusst die Generation Y das Employer Branding? Neue Bed


Anul aparitiei: 2019

Bald stellt die Generation Y die Mehrheit der berufstätigen Bevölkerung und dominiert den Arbeitsmarkt. Unternehmen sind deshalb gefordert, auf die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der künftigen Arbeitnehmer einzugehen. Das gelingt jedoch nur, wenn sie sich richtig als Arbeitgebermarke positionieren. Inzwischen haben viele Arbeitgeber erkannt, dass die Bildung einer einzigartigen Arbeitgebermarke nicht nur die Attraktivität bei potenziellen Arbeitnehmern erhöht. Sie fördert au erdem die Mitarbeiterbindung. Ercüment Gök zeigt in seiner Publikation, wie ein erfolgreiches Employer Branding funktioniert. In den letzten Jahren hat das Thema Employer Branding insbesondere für Personalverantwortliche in deutschen Unternehmen an Bedeutung gewonnen. Das liegt am demografischen Wandel, dem zunehmenden Fach- und Führungskräftemangel, dem War of Talents sowie dem gesellschaftlichen Wertewandel. Gök erklärt, wie sich das Employer Branding mit der Generation Y verändert. Aus dem Inhalt: - Recruiting; - Mitarbeitergewinnung; - Personalmanagement; - HRM; - Human Ressource Management


The Sandbox Coin: The SAND ERC-20 Utility Token on

Pret: 91.00 RON
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Thomas J. Taylor (Author)

The Sandbox Coin: The SAND ERC-20 Utility Token on the Ethereum Blockchain

Editura: BN PUB

Anul aparitiei: 2022

The Sandbox is a metaverse built on a blockchain focused on the world of games. The Sandbox platform allows developers to monetize gaming experiences on the Ethereum blockchain and create art galleries or other assets that enable creators to generate passive income.Users interact in a vast virtual world similar to that of the famous Minecraft video game, and the Sandbox can export the models made in Minecraft to its land.Sandbox is therefore a unique platform integrating blockchain technology in the gaming world.On the Sandbox NFT market, an asset is a token that follows the ERC-1155 standard created and traded by users.SAND is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 utility token that serves as the foundation for transactions in the Sandbox virtual world.This book will show you: Why you should pay attention to this crypto tokenWhat The Sandbox isWhat makes the Sandbox uniqueWhat SAND isHow you can invest into SANDHow to save SANDWhy everyone likes SAND ...


Arabic Literature of Africa, Volume 3b: The

Pret: 1398.00 RON
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Alessandro Gori (Author)

Arabic Literature of Africa, Volume 3b: The Writings of the Muslim Peoples of Northeastern Africa


Anul aparitiei: 2022

Following the traces first left by The Arabic Literature of Africa volume 3A published in 2003, this widely enlarged and precisely updated edition of that pioneering work aims at providing a full-fledged and meticulously detailed reference book on the literature produced and circulated by the Muslim communities of the Horn of Africa. This entirely revised version of ALA3A makes use of the absolutely fresh data discovered and collected by the editors from 2013 to 2018 the framework of the ERC-funded project Islam in the Horn of Africa: A Comparative Literary Approach and draws a new comprehensive picture of the textual production of the Islamic scholars of the Horn of Africa since its first attestations until the present time. Contributors Sara Fani, Alessandro Gori, Adday Hernández, John M. Larsen, Irmeli Perho and Michele Petrone.


Office of Inspector General Audit Report: FAA Is

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Office of Inspector General U. S. Depart (Created by)

Office of Inspector General Audit Report: FAA Is Not Realizing the Full Benefits of the Aviation Safety Action Program: Project Id: AV-2009-057


On May 14, 2009, we issued our report on the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP). We conducted this audit following a complaint from an FAA inspector regarding the acceptance of a fatal accident into ASAP. ASAP is a joint FAA and industry program that allows aviation employees to self-report safety violations to air carriers and FAA without fear of reprisal. Incidents reported through ASAP by aviation employees are reviewed for acceptance by an Event Review Committee (ERC), which may also recommend corrective actions. Our audit objective was to assess FAA's implementation of ASAP and identify any improvements that will help FAA to maximize the program's safety benefits. While ASAP is a potentially valuable safety tool, we found that FAA's ineffective implementation and inadequate guidance have allowed inconsistent use and potential abuse of the program. Further, FAA has not devised a method to fully compile data reported through ASAP for analysis on a national level. Therefore, little is understood about nationwide trends in the types of violations reported under ASAP, and ASAP reports do not help FAA determine whether systemic, nationwide ...


Memorie Sui Monumenti Di Antichita E Di Belle

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Roberto Paolini (Author)

Memorie Sui Monumenti Di Antichita E Di Belle Arti: Ch'esistono in Miseno, in Baoli, in Baja, in Cuma, in Pozzuoli, in Napoli, in Capua Antica, in Erc

Editura: NABU PR

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.


Gaia's Lost Children

Pret: 161.00 RON
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R. J. Pearson (Author)

Gaia's Lost Children


Anul aparitiei: 2022

Gaia's Lost Children is a politically conservative sci-fi novel of a near-term dystopian future. In the story, the Extinction Reversal Corp. (ERC) genetically engineers and reintroduces the recently extinct moas, woolly mammoths, and passenger pigeons species to the Earth's environment. Unfortunately, these reintroductions unsettle the Global Union (GU), a carefully balanced, all-encompassing world government. In reaction, the members of the ERC are banished to a huge space habitat located equal distance from the Earth and Moon. A later attempt at further punishment leads the space exiles to rebel. The novel follows two childhood friends, Peter Tanaka and Ivar Hardford, as they try to navigate the turmoil in the GU. Peter joins the ERC and becomes a leader of the space exiles. Ivar establishes himself as the head of a mercenary band used as off-the-books government enforcers. Peter and Ivar end as mortal enemies on opposite sides of the space rebellion.


Gaia's Lost Children

Pret: 265.00 RON
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R. J. Pearson (Author)

Gaia's Lost Children


Anul aparitiei: 2022

Gaia's Lost Children is a politically conservative sci-fi novel of a near-term dystopian future. In the story, the Extinction Reversal Corp. (ERC) genetically engineers and reintroduces the recently extinct moas, woolly mammoths, and passenger pigeons species to the Earth's environment. Unfortunately, these reintroductions unsettle the Global Union (GU), a carefully balanced, all-encompassing world government. In reaction, the members of the ERC are banished to a huge space habitat located equal distance from the Earth and Moon. A later attempt at further punishment leads the space exiles to rebel. The novel follows two childhood friends, Peter Tanaka and Ivar Hardford, as they try to navigate the turmoil in the GU. Peter joins the ERC and becomes a leader of the space exiles. Ivar establishes himself as the head of a mercenary band used as off-the-books government enforcers. Peter and Ivar end as mortal enemies on opposite sides of the space rebellion.


Assessment of Balanced Scorecard Implementation

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Teshome Abdeta (Author)

Assessment of Balanced Scorecard Implementation and its Challenges. The Case of Ethiopian Railways Corporation


Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2019 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 3.68, language: English, abstract: The Balanced Score Card (BSC) is one of the most popular Public service reform initiatives in Ethiopia that tries to translate a company's strategic direction and objectives into actionable initiatives and measurements. The major purpose of this study was to assess the status and challenges faced while implementing the balanced scorecard reform initiative in ERC. Descriptive method of research with a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative theme was applied. Out of the non-probability sampling purposive sampling has been used. Relevant data for the study was collected using questionnaire and semi structured interview and 81 questionnaires (30% from the total population of 270) were distributed, from this 79 (97.5%) were collected. Then, data collected through questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS Version 24 software and presented by table, bar graph and pie chart. Interview and document analysis were also made to complement the information obtained. The major findings of the study revealed that employees ...


Balanced scorecard implementation and its

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Teshome Abdeta (Author)

Balanced scorecard implementation and its challenges. The Ethiopian Railways Corporation


Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 3.68, language: English, abstract: The major purpose of this study is to assess the status and challenges faced while implementing the balanced scorecard reform initiative in Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC). The Balanced Score Card (BSC) is one of the most popular public service reform initiatives in Ethiopia that tries to translate a company's strategic direction and objectives into actionable initiatives and measurements. The major findings of the study reveal that employees understanding on the vision and strategic objectives and employees positive perception regards to BSC initiative relevance is a good opportunity for ERC. Whereas, lack of committed management and employee, manpower skill gap and lack of training, ineffective communication with employees, lack of monitoring and evaluation system are the variables that are statistically significant and have influence on balanced scorecard reform implementation at the Corporation. Therefore, it is recommended that ERC should strength the commitment of management and employee by providing adequate and ...


Environmental and Resource Costs Under Article 9

Pret: 724.00 RON
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Erik Gawel (Author)

Environmental and Resource Costs Under Article 9 of the Water Framework Directive: Challenges for the Implementation of the Principle of Cost Recovery


Anul aparitiei: 2015

Article 9 of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires Member States to take account of the principle of recovery of the costs of water services, including environmental and resource costs (ERC). Whilst Member States in practice claim discretion when applying Article 9, there is, however, an ongoing discussion of what is, in concrete terms, meant by and due for recovering full costs in European water policy. To make matters worse, in its judgement of 2014, the EU Court of Justice abstained from clarifying pestering problems of interpreting the legal requirements. What is more, this debate still lacks insights from decades of scientific discussion on water pricing in environmental economics. Therefore, the book provides a current in-depth analysis of all related questions of recovering the costs (ERC definition, concepts and instruments of cost recovery etc.), referring to both the legal as well as the economic aspects of pricing water services in line with Article 9 of the WFD.


Das erste und letzte Spiel. Life is a Story -

Pret: 165.00 RON
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Erc Mus (Author)

Das erste und letzte Spiel. Life is a Story -


Anul aparitiei: 2021

In seinem zweiten Buch, Das erste und letzte Spiel, erzählt der Autor von seinen Eindrücken, Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen einer ganz persönlichen Reise, die er über den Fu ballplatz hinweg, gesammelt hat. Alles beginnt mit einem Fu ballspiel im Sommerurlaub in der Türkei/Samsun und nimmt von nun an seinen Lauf. Der Autor schreibt über die Themen der Integration, der Benachteiligung von Personen mit einem Migrationshintergrund und dem Leben zwischen zwei Welten. Wie könnte Integration besser gelingen? Und war es nicht auch eine Frage der eigenen Motivation, sich zu integrieren? In seinen Erzählungen erwähnt er einige besondere Events, die ihn persönlich prägten. Der Autor schildert das Leben seiner Familie und geht dabei insbesondere auf die Erlebnisse mit seinem Vater ein. Es ist die Geschichte einer fu ballbegeisterten Familie, die sowohl in Deutschland als auch in der Türkei zu Hause ist.


Die Geschichtentruhe eines Reisenden. Life is a

Pret: 165.00 RON
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Erc Mus (Author)

Die Geschichtentruhe eines Reisenden. Life is a Story -


Anul aparitiei: 2021

Ein Reisender begibt sich auf den Weg durch das Leben. Dabei stö t er auf seine Drei E's, Eindrücke, Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen. Der Erzähler schreibt Geschichten, die auf wahrer Begebenheit beruhen und greift ebenso durch fiktive Geschichten, aktuelle weltgesellschaftliche Themen auf. Geschichten, die aus dem tiefsten Herzen eines Reisenden kommen.


Cooking with Plants in Ancient Europe and Beyond:

Pret: 898.00 RON
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Soultana Maria Valamoti (Editor)

Cooking with Plants in Ancient Europe and Beyond: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Archaeology of Plant Foods


Anul aparitiei: 2022

Plants have constituted the basis of human subsistence. This volume focuses on plant food ingredients that were consumed by the members of past societies and on the ways these ingredients were transformed into food. The thirty chapters of this book unfold the story of culinary transformation of cereals, pulses as well as of a wide range of wild and cultivated edible plants.Regional syntheses provide insights on plant species choices and changes over time and fragments of recipes locked inside amorphous charred masses. Grinding equipment, cooking installations and cooking pots are used to reveal the ancient cooking steps in order to pull together the pieces of a culinary puzzle of the past. From the big picture of spatiotemporal patterns and changes to the micro-imaging of usewear on grinding tool surfaces, the book attempts for the first time a comprehensive and systematic approach to ancient plant food culinary transformation.Focusing mainly on Europe and the Mediterranean world in prehistory, the book expands to other regions such as South Asia and Latin America and covers a time span from the Palaeolithic to the historic periods. Several of the contributions stem from original ...

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