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Zero-Resistance Selling: Achieve Extraordinary

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Dr. Maxwell Maltz, Maxwell Maltz, Nda

Zero-Resistance Selling: Achieve Extraordinary Sales Results Using World Renowned Techqs Psycho Cyberneti

Editura: Prentice Hall Press

Anul aparitiei: 1998

Zero-Resistance Selling is your guide to literally "reprogramming" your own self-image to help you attain your loftiest selling and career goals. You'll find step-by-step strategies to harness the power of your imagination to wipe away resistance to your sales presentations ... become an irresistible "master closer" ... conquer self-defeating habits ... and use stress to your advantage.


Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Coal:

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Jean Denis Nda Pone (Author)

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Coal: Characterization of Matrix Deformation, Sorption Capacity and Dynamic Permeability at In-Situ Stress Conditions.


Anul aparitiei: 2011

Sequestration of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in geological formation is one of the climate change m


The Theatre and Envronmental Conservation

Pret: 733.00 RON
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Ubong Nda (Author)

The Theatre and Envronmental Conservation


Anul aparitiei: 2010

As the state of the world's environment causes greater concern, various approaches are being enunciated to stem the tide of degradation. The emphasis has been on environmental education and it has become imperative that every professional, especially those involved in the creation of outlets of information, be stakeholders in environmental education. This work seeks to establish the role which the theatre artist should play in environmental sensitization. It undertakes the establishment of a theoretical basis for the theatre/environment symbiosis and enunciates playcreation strategies for environmental communication and education and also articulates an organizational framework within which these strategies would thrive. The methodology shall entail the utilization of observations in a sample theatre for development environmental activity, to project and proffer playmaking and organizational models in the theatre for environmental preservation process, through the stages of formal and street theatres, community theatre, and the theatre programmes of radio and television.


The Winter We Danced: Voices from the Past, the

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The Kino-Nda-Niimi Collective (Editor)

The Winter We Danced: Voices from the Past, the Future, and the Idle No More Movement


Anul aparitiei: 2014

The Winter We Danced is a vivid collection of writing, poetry, lyrics, art and images from the many diverse voices that make up the past, present, and future of the Idle No More movement. Calling for pathways into healthy, just, equitable and sustainable communities while drawing on a wide-ranging body of narratives, journalism, editorials and creative pieces, this collection consolidates some of the most powerful, creative and insightful moments from the winter we danced and gestures towards next steps in an on-going movement for justice and Indigenous self-determination.


Insertion du m

Pret: 813.00 RON
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Marius Nda (Author)

Insertion du m


Anul aparitiei: 2021

Cette étude sur l'insertion du métier de l'expertise bancaire dans l'environnement de la banque et de la microfinance en Afrique met en évidence les travaux et réalisations du Cabinet d'Expertise bancaire et de Microfinance (CEMI EXPERT) effectués dans les zones CEMAC et UEMOA. Cet ouvrage de dix modules présente une analyse du secteur à travers le contexte et l'historique, les lois et règlementations qui régissent l'activité et les systèmes d'organisation et de gouvernance y existant.Le présent document, constitué d'un ensemble de question-réponse sur les pratiques bancaires et de microfinance, est destiné aux professionnels du secteur bancaire, aux universités et centres de formation professionnelle et aux particuliers désireux de se frotter dans le domaine de la banque et la microfinance. L'objectif étant de développer le secteur qui semble encore embryonnaire dans l'Afrique toute entière, de créer les établissements de microfinance, d'accroitre le taux de bancarisation et de vulgariser la banque auprès de toutes les couches de la population fussent-elles urbaine ou rurale.


Insertion of banking expertise

Pret: 370.00 RON
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Nda Marius

Insertion of banking expertise

Editura: Our Knowledge Publishing

Anul aparitiei: 2021

This study on the insertion of the banking expertise profession in the banking and microfinance environment in Africa highlights the work and achievements of the Banking and Microfinance Expertise Firm (CEMI EXPERT) carried out in the CEMAC and WAEMU zones. This ten-module book presents an analysis of the sector through the context and history, the laws and regulations that govern the activity and the systems of organization and governance that exist in the sector.This document, consisting of a set of "question-answers" on banking and microfinance practices, is intended for professionals in the banking sector, universities and professional training centers, and individuals wishing to learn more about banking and microfinance. The objective is to develop the sector, which still seems embryonic in Africa as a whole, to create microfinance institutions, to increase the rate of banking and to popularize banking among all segments of the population, whether urban or rural.


Wdrożenie ekspertyzy bankowej

Pret: 370.00 RON
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Nda Marius

Wdrożenie ekspertyzy bankowej

Editura: Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza

Anul aparitiei: 2021

Niniejsze studium na temat wprowadzenia zawodu eksperta bankowego do środowiska bankowego i mikrofinansowego w Afryce podkreśla pracę i osiągnięcia Firmy Eksperckiej Bankowości i Mikrofinansowania (CEMI EXPERT) przeprowadzoną w strefach CEMAC i WAEMU. Ta dziesięciomodulowa książka przedstawia analizę sektora poprzez kontekst i historię, prawa i przepisy regulujące dzialalnośc oraz systemy organizacji i zarządzania istniejące w sektorze.Niniejszy dokument, skladający się z zestawu "pytań-odpowiedzi" na temat praktyk bankowych i mikrofinansowych, jest przeznaczony dla profesjonalistów w sektorze bankowym, uniwersytetów i profesjonalnych ośrodków szkoleniowych oraz osób prywatnych, które chcą dowiedziec się więcej na temat bankowości i mikrofinansowania. Celem jest rozwój sektora, który w calej Afryce wciąż wydaje się embrionalny, stworzenie instytucji mikrofinansowych, zwiększenie stopy bankowości i popularyzacja bankowości wśród wszystkich segmentów populacji, zarówno miejskich, jak i wiejskich.


Insercao de experiencia bancaria

Pret: 370.00 RON
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Nda Marius

Insercao de experiencia bancaria

Editura: Edicoes Nosso Conhecimento

Anul aparitiei: 2021

Este estudo sobre a inserção da profissão de especialista bancário no ambiente bancário e microfinanceiro em África destaca o trabalho e as realizações da Empresa de Especialização Bancária e Microfinanceira (CEMI EXPERT) realizada nas zonas CEMAC e WAEMU. Este livro de dez módulos apresenta uma análise do sector através do contexto e da história, das leis e regulamentos que regem a actividade e dos sistemas de organização e governação que existem no sector.Este documento, constituído por um conjunto de "perguntas-respostas" sobre práticas bancárias e microfinanceiras, destina-se a profissionais do sector bancário, universidades e centros de formação profissional, bem como a indivíduos que desejem aprender mais sobre bancos e microfinanças. O objectivo é desenvolver o sector, que parece ainda embrionário em África como um todo, criar instituições de microfinanças, aumentar a taxa de banca e popularizar a banca entre todos os segmentos da população, seja ela urbana ou rural.


25 Random Things About Me

Pret: 157.00 RON
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Nda Nxumalo (Author)

25 Random Things About Me

Editura: LULU PR

Anul aparitiei: 2012

A semi-biographical tale about a Facebook challenge to share 25 random things about oneself with one's friends. The detail behind each one of those 25 points speaks to a higher theme: the theme of God's saving grace in Jesus.

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