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Drumul spre Constantinopol

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Nicoleta Voinescu

Drumul spre Constantinopol


Cuvinte din lumina - vol. 1 - Nestemate ale

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Selecţia şi adaptarea textelor: Liviu Gheorghe, Nicoleta Maftei

Cuvinte din lumina - vol. 1 - Nestemate ale misticii crestine.

Editura: Kamala

Nu a existat, nu există şi nu va exista niciodată vreo scuză pentru uitarea de Dumnezeu. şi aceasta pentru ca indiferent de religie, omul cel sfânt, învăţătorul, ghidul sau maestrul spiritual revine mereu într-o formă umană, din timp în timp. Trimis şi inspirat de Dumnezeu, el ţese raza de lumină, de iubire şi de frumuseţe cu care să învăluie şi să farmece sufletele noastre spre aducere aminte. Extras din introducere: Cuvintele de înţelepciune şi iubire adunate în această lucrare exprimă certitudinea realizării lui Dumnezeu aşa cum a fost trăită şi redată de unii dintre aceşti oameni sfinţi, maeştri şi învăţători divini. Ele retrezesc fiorul căutării mistice specific căii creştine trăit de aceste fiinţe excepţionale şi, pentru cititorul înzestrat cu bun simţ şi inteligenţă, este confirmată încă o dată realitatea spirituală profundă a faptului că toţi înţelepţii au o lume comună trăind fericirea unităţii cu Adevărul Absolut care este DUMNEZEU TATĂL. În prima parte a acestei lucrări, învăţăturile cuprinse nu au fost grupate pe teme pentru a se păstra nuanţa plină de farmec a fiecărui ...


Stability and Thermohydrodynamic Investigations of

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Nicoleta Mihaela Ene (Author)

Stability and Thermohydrodynamic Investigations of Wave Journal Bearings.


Anul aparitiei: 2011

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the dynamic stability and the thermohydrodynamic behavi


Material Desires: Cultural Production,

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Claudia Nicoleta Campeanu (Author)

Material Desires: Cultural Production, Post-Socialist Transformations, and Heritage Tourism in a Transylvanian Town.


Anul aparitiei: 2011

This dissertation explores the transformation of a small town in South East Transylvania, Sighisoara


International Marketing

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Dana-Nicoleta Lascu (Author)

International Marketing


Anul aparitiei: 2008

International marketing, with the student in mind. International Marketing, 3e provides an in-depth analysis of international marketing, adopting a strategic, applications-oriented approach to country- and region-specific environments. These are illustrated, in the text and in the case studies, with interviews conducted with international and local marketing managers and with marketing theorists who uphold different international marketing philosophies. The text offers an understanding of international marketing theory and practice within a constantly-changing and increasingly-complex global environment, with compelling company and marketing illustrations throughout.


Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Agent-Based

Pret: 576.00 RON
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Nicoleta Neagu (Author)

Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Agent-Based Reasoning


Anul aparitiei: 2005

An important aspect of multi agent systems are agent reasoning techniques for problem solving, either at the level of a single agent or at the level of distributed collaboration amongst multiple agents. Constraint satisfaction problems are significant in the domain of automated reasoning for artificial intelligence. They can be applied to modeling and solving of a wide range of combinatorial applications such as planning, scheduling and resource sharing in a variety of practical domains e.g. transportation, production, supply-chains, network management, and human resource management. In this book we study new techniques for solving constraint satisfaction problems, with a special focus on solution adaptation applied to agent reasoning. Most work in constraint satisfaction has focused on computing a solution to a given problem. In practice, it often occurs that an existing solution needs to be modified to satisfy additional criteria or accommodate changes in the problem. Based on constraint satisfaction problem structures and their symmetries, we develop techniques for adapting solutions in applications and show how these techniques can be used when the agent is situated in dynamic ...


Analysis and Modelling of the Financial

Pret: 466.00 RON
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Brbu[-Miu Nicoleta (Author)

Analysis and Modelling of the Financial Performance of the Enterprises


Anul aparitiei: 2010

Enterprises financing is a core issue in all economies as the access to any financing source asks for the preliminary study of financial performances. Information provided by analyzing financial performances is at the basis of decisions taken by investors, shareholders, banks and crediting institutions, insurance societies and even contracting authorities that grant non-reimbursable funds. The enterprises studied in this monograph are acting in the building sector, for which we tried to achieve an aggregate index of financial performance. Modelling the financial performance offers the possibility of ordering of enterprises acting in the building sector, in accordance with their financial performance, based on the financial-accountancy data in previous years, but also financial performance prevision for an enterprise in the case in which we can make a prevision as real as possible of the financial rates that constitute the model variables. The analysis should be especially useful to professionals in Finance and Financial modelling fields, to practitioners in the enterprises or anyone else who may be interested in the enterprise financial performance analysis.


Informational Systems and Informatic Applications

Pret: 555.00 RON
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Nicoleta David (Author)

Informational Systems and Informatic Applications in Businesses


Anul aparitiei: 2011

This book provides a very comprehensive material for helping the managers to improve their businesses, to predict future sales, to analyze the current turnover and company's activity, to optimize their online businesses. The target audience was managers, engineers, young researchers who are interested in finding out new methods for economical data analysis and data simulation. The main advantage of this book is that it contains many practical situations and examples of using data analysis methods. Case studies are from different businesses fields, so one can understand the importance of using these methods in their current business activity.


CAIET de VACANTA 5-6 ANI - grupa mare.

Pret: 5.50 RON
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Erika Munteanu, Ildiko Britz, Nicoleta Ratiu

CAIET de VACANTA 5-6 ANI - grupa mare.

Editura: Diana

Anul aparitiei: 2013


The Princess of Ice and the Fallen Angel: Rhapsody

Pret: 140.00 RON
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Elena Nicoleta Busoiu (Author)

The Princess of Ice and the Fallen Angel: Rhapsody One


Anul aparitiei: 2014

Eighteen-year-old Layla Bordeanu seems to have the perfect life. Gorgeous, intelligent, and wealthy, the Romanian heiress attends a prestigious English school and has a handsome boyfriend named Javier. But her world is a nightmare. Bound by the rules of her family, she is allowed to make no choices for herself. Even Javier, who is cruel and vicious, was chosen for her by her parents to make an alliance with his family. At school, however, Layla encounters a new face among her classmates-a beautiful young man to whom she is instantly drawn. That same day, she rescues him and her friend Elena from Javier and his friends, who are beating him up. The boy's name is Adrian Murray, and he hides a strange secret. What's more, his presence in Layla's life draws supernatural attention-not only to him, but to her as well. Now only time will tell if Layla and Adrian can face their feelings for each other and work together in order to keep each other safe in the face of grave danger.


Materiale Compozite. Volumul 1: Obtinere,

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Ileana Nicoleta Popescu (Author)

Materiale Compozite. Volumul 1: Obtinere, Proprietat Si Aplicatii


Anul aparitiei: 2013

Dezvoltarea continua a tehnicii in diverse ramuri ale industriei si in special in cel al constructiilor de automobile, a impus gasirea de catre oamenii de stiinta de noi solutii adaptate cerintelor tot mai mari de materiale usoare, performante, obtinute prin metode nepoluante si eficiente din punct de vedere economic. In acest context, obiectivul lucrarii de fata a constat in studierea si prezentarea metodelor diverse de obtinere si caracterizare a materialelor compozite in general si a materialelor compozite cu matrice pe baza de aluminiu in special, cat si prezentarea succinta a celor mai importante aplicatii ale materialelor compozite pe baza de aluminu. Lucrarea se adreseaza studentilor de la specializarile de stiinta si ingineria materialelor si mecanica, cat si studentilor, inginerilor sau cercetatorilor din domeniul constructiilor de masini, si transporturi (rutiere, navale, aeronautica) care utilizeaza sau testeaza materialele compozite in activitatea lor. Cartea are prefata si rezumat in limba engleza.


Materiale Compozite. Volumul 2: OB Inerea Prin

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Ileana Nicoleta Popescu (Author)

Materiale Compozite. Volumul 2: OB Inerea Prin Metalurgia Pulberilor a Compozitelor Pe Baz de Al


Anul aparitiei: 2013

In volumul al doilea al cartii MATERIALE COMPOZITE se prezinta in detaliu obtinerea prin metalurgia pulberilor (MP) a materialelor compozite pe baza de aluminiu (etapele tehnologice de obtinere, fenomenele si procesele care au loc in timpul fiecarei etape tehnologice in parte). Lucrarea se adreseaza studentilor de la specializarile stiinta si ingineria materialelor si mecanica, cat si studentilor, inginerilor sau cercetatorilor din domeniul constructiilor de masini si transporturi (rutiere, navale, aeronautica) care utilizeaza / testeaza materialele compozite in activitatea lor. Cartea are prefata si rezumatul in limba engleza. In the second volume of the Composite Materials' book is presented in detail the aluminum based composite obtained by powder metallurgy (PM) route (the technology steps in powder metallurgy processing, respectively phenomena and processes that occur during each stage of PM technology). The book's targeted audience is primarily students of materials and mechanical science and engineering specializations, as well as students, engineers and researchers in the field of Marine, Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering which use testing in their work, the composite ...


Barrierefreies Internet Fur Menschen Mit

Pret: 385.00 RON
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Radu Nicoleta-Ioana (Author)

Barrierefreies Internet Fur Menschen Mit Lernschwierigkeiten


Anul aparitiei: 2013

Das Internet ist eines der wichtigsten Medien der heutigen Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft, denn es nimmt sowohl im Alltag bei vielfältigen Geschäfts- und Arbeitsprozessen, als auch in der Freizeit einen immer grö eren Stellenwert ein. Die Partizipation an diesem Medium und somit zu einem erweiterten Zugang zu Informationen, Kommunikation aber auch zu Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten muss jedem Menschen gewährt werden. Doch gerade für Personen mit Behinderung, vor allem für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten, ergeben sich in diesem Zusammenhang oftmals unterschiedliche Barrieren, die schlie lich zur Exklusion von wesentlichen Partizipationsmöglichkeiten führen. Um die Gründe dieser Exklusion von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten analysieren zu können, wurden die Erkenntnisse der Literaturanalyse mit einer quantitativen und qualitativen empirischen Untersuchung, überprüft und erweitert. Das Ziel dabei war es den Informationsmangel in Bezug auf Barrierefreiheit für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten aufzuzeigen und zu vermindern, womit einerseits eine umfangreiche und selbstständige Nutzung des Internets und andererseits eine nachhaltige und volle Teilhabe an der ...


Identity and Intercultural Communication

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Nicoleta Corbu (Editor)

Identity and Intercultural Communication


Anul aparitiei: 2014

The search for identity is a continuous challenge in the global world: from personal identity to social, national, European or professional identities, each person experiences nowadays a multi-dimensional self-representation. Placing the topic against an intercultural background, with a focus on communication, this book addresses the complicated relationship between self, identity, and society, from an academic perspective. The authors of the chapters in this book offer a complex landscape of professional and scholar approaches and research, in various parts of the world, including Canada, China, Estonia, France, Greece, Israel, Romania, and the United States of America.


The Theory and Practice of English Language

Pret: 385.00 RON
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Padurean Alina Nicoleta (Author)

The Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching


Anul aparitiei: 2014

The methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language has always been a priority in the field of educational sciences. Scientists along with teachers constantly develop new methods and approaches to teaching foreign languages or improve the existing ones. The teachers duty is to be familiar with all of them, to know their strong and weak points and of course, to be able to use them in their foreign language classroom. The book "The Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching" is a useful tool for all teachers of foreign languages, for students in the field of education and to students performing pre-service teaching activities. It highlights the most important approaches to teaching English as a foreign language, gives practical ideas of developing pupils reading, listening, writing and speaking skills and also ideas used in modern assessment.


Instrumental Methods in the Authentication of

Pret: 349.00 RON
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Vornicu Nicoleta (Author)

Instrumental Methods in the Authentication of Cultural Heritage


Anul aparitiei: 2014

The paper contains the author's research findings in the field of authentication and preservation of cultural heritage (paintings, historical and religious monuments, textiles and old books). The theme is approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, involving knowledge of conservation and restoration, materials science, history and art theory, biology, chemistry. This paper presents case studies in which modern methods used in the characterization and authentication materials are X-ray fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy SEM, optical microscopy, FTIR, etc. The presentation this information took into account the difficulty encountered by conservators, art historians, restorers or other responsible people in decision making of the dating, conservation and restoration the cultural heritage. The work is of interest to researchers, specialists, teachers, students and for all those passionate about the richness and diversity of cultural heritage.


La Princesa de Hielo y El Angel Caido: Rapsodia 1

Pret: 143.00 RON
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Elena Nicoleta Busoiu (Author)

La Princesa de Hielo y El Angel Caido: Rapsodia 1


Anul aparitiei: 2013

Esta historia es la enseñanza más clara de que el amor, la vida y el destino hacen lo que desean con sus peones. Layla Bordeanu descubrirá esta gran verdad de conociendo al amor de su vida de la forma más hermosa jamás experimentada por un ser humano. Pero no todo es un camino de rosas, lo sobrenatural hace acto de presencia en sus vida trayendo con sigo horribles desgracias y un misterioso libro cuyos capítulos faltan. Las peleas y arduas vivencias son lo que coronan la vida de nuestros protagonistas más el descubrimiento de una nueva naturaleza, es la pasión indomable del amor.


Statistics for Management and Economics

Pret: 359.00 RON
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Keller Gerald (Wilfrid Laurier University), Gaciu Nicoleta (Oxford Brookes University)

Statistics for Management and Economics

Editura: Cengage Learning EMEA

Anul aparitiei: 2019

Page dim. 310 x 261 x 22 Weight: 1378 grams

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