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Psychotherapy of Everyday Life: Training in

Pret: 889.00 RON
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Psychotherapy of Everyday Life: Training in Partnership and Self-Help


Anul aparitiei: 1986

In this book East and West are united in a total vision which gives the reader an expansive view of inner lives and behaviors, some of which are healthy and some not. The author presents an analysis of contemporary social relationships and the attitudes associated with them. But he does far more than this. He also vividly describes the "primary" and "secondary" capabili- ties of the psyche, capabilities that are valid for all times and all situations. Peseschkian draws on his experiences in the Middle Eastern homeland of his youth and also on the insights he has gained through his psychotherapeutic practice. He does not stop with special examples, but draws conclusions that are valid for people everywhere. He then molds these conclusions into an illustrative system. Uniquely interesting are the passages where the author describes errors in the development of a child and erroneous attitudes on the part of the educator, such as when he characterizes the punitive behavior of parents: "Right from the start a child must learn to obeYi" "There must be punishmenti" and "You have to break the child's wilL" Or when he shows how tensions between the parents are transferred to their children: ...


Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie

Stoc anticariat
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie Und Familientherapie - Wippf


Anul aparitiei: 1988

Die Grundlage f}r das WIPPF bilden das von Peseschkian ent- wickelte Konzeptder Positiven Psychotherapie sowie das Dif- ferenzierungsanalytische Inventar (DAI). Das Manual setzt sich zusammen aus: -der Erl{uterung des Konzepts der Positi- ven Psychotherapie, -dem Erstinterviewformular, -dem WIPPF- Fragebogen, -Schablonen zur Auswertung des Fragebogens durch den Arzt bzw. den Therapeuten, -dem Beobachtungs- und Ter- minkalender f}r Patient und Familienmitglieder, - einem Faltkalender f}r den Therapeuten bzw. Arzt.


Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie

Stoc anticariat
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie Und Familientherapie - Wippf: Beilagenset I


Anul aparitiei: 1988

Das WIPPF - PersAnlichkeits-Testsystem erlaubt dem Anwender ein Screening des aktuellen Befindens und/oder der PersAnlichkeitsstruktur von Patienten, Klienten und Probanden (letzere kAnnen durchaus auch Mitglieder einer Arbeitsgruppe sein, die sich einem gruppendynamischen Schulungsprogramm unterziehen). Das "Erstinterview" eignet sich vorrangig fA1/4r den Arzt und Psychotherapeuten als Einstiegshilfe fA1/4r ein gezielt anzuschlieAendes Psychotherapieverfahren. Die neue GebA1/4hrenordnung bietet hier eine eigenstAndige AbrechnungsmodalitAt. ErgAnzend sind die beiden FragebAgen A + B - die in ca. 30 Minuten ausgefA1/4hrt werden kAnnen (z. B. durch den Patienten in Zusammenarbeit mit der auswertenden Assistentin) - eine Strukturhilfe bei der Therapie. Sie dokumentieren die Ausgangssituation, die Zwischenschritte sowie den spAteren Einstellungswandel. FA1/4r den Patienten wird anhand des selbstAndig gefA1/4hrten Beobachtungskalenders das Behandlungsergebnis transparent. Der Fragebogen-Test kann somit bis zu 3x pro "Behandlungsfall" eingesetzt und ebenfalls eigenstAndig oder in "Leistungskombination" mit der stattfindenden Therapie abgerechnet werden. Im auAermedizinischen Bereich ist ...


Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie

Stoc anticariat
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie Und Familientherapie - Wippf: Beilagenset II


Anul aparitiei: 1988

Die Grundlage f}r das WIPPF bilden das von Peseschkian ent- wickelte Konzeptder Positiven Psychotherapie sowie das Dif- ferenzierungsanalytische Inventar (DAI). Das Manual setzt sich zusammen aus: -der Erl{uterung des Konzepts der Positi- ven Psychotherapie, -dem Erstinterviewformular, -dem WIPPF- Fragebogen, -Schablonen zur Auswertung des Fragebogens durch den Arzt bzw. den Therapeuten, -dem Beobachtungs- und Ter- minkalender f}r Patient und Familienmitglieder, - einem Faltkalender f}r den Therapeuten bzw. Arzt.


Psychosomatik Und Positive Psychotherapie:

Stoc anticariat
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Psychosomatik Und Positive Psychotherapie: Transkultureller Und Interdisziplin Rer Ansatz Am Beispiel Von 40 Krankheitsbildern


Anul aparitiei: 1991

Die praxisbezogenen Berichte k-nnen jeden interessiertenArzt sensibilisieren f}r die Frage der Psychosomatik und ihmeinen Weg zeigen, wie er zuk}nftig seinen Patienten besserhelfen kann. Es werden aber auch vielf{ltige Einsatzm-glich-keiten im nicht{rztlichen Bereich aufgezeigt, die ganz all-gemein dazu f}hren, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen in derPartnerschaft, Familie, Beruf etc. besser zu gestalten. Zujeder derbehandelten Themengruppen wird als Verst{ndnis-hilfe eine orientalische Geschichte mit kritischen Inter-pretationen der Volksweisheiten hinzugef}gt.


In Search of Meaning: A Psychotherapy of Small

Pret: 889.00 RON
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

In Search of Meaning: A Psychotherapy of Small Steps


Anul aparitiei: 1985

Many authors shy away from religious definitions of human purpose. But Nossrat Peseschkian, who shares with me the Baha'i perspective of purpose, clearly shows how the quest to unite a soul with its God serves and is served by scientific and cultural perspectives of meaning. Spiritual verities become beacons to guide us to find ways to work together and create new dimen- sions for consultation in the making of decisions. Depression is rife today. We often do not feel that we are in charge of our own lives, and feel impotent to influence the destiny of society. Peseschkian brings us a positive approach. He provides a key for us to discover the relationship between our various capacities and their development. For so many of us, our capacities lie unused, often even unrecognized. This book seeks to answer the question How can I use my capacities?" and to demonstrate practically and specifically how science, politics, religion, and the web of human relationships can assist in their development and use. Balance is the key: the balance betwen various aspects of our life, the balance of our modes of learning and thinking and feeling, the balance in our concept of man and his purpose, ...


Positive Family Therapy: The Family as Therapist

Pret: 459.00 RON
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Positive Family Therapy: The Family as Therapist


Anul aparitiei: 1985

The author's principal aim is to win over the patient through the development of the "positive" aspects of his psychopathology-a concern the significance of which I have also discovered, especially in schizophrenic therapy. It is in this specific sense that Peseschkian speaks of "positive" psychotherapy. His model is a notable synthesis of psychodynamic and behavior-therapeutic elements, making an essential contribution to unified relationships within psychotherapy. In this way Peseschkian is attempting not to directly confront the patient's resistances. The consultation takes place in a loving way through allusions to poetry, proverbs and oriental fairy tales and myths, to which Peseschkian, as a Persian, has direct access. His ability to offer his patient a great treasure of handed-down wisdom knows no bounds. Anyone who has personally experi- enced the author's therapeutic enthusiasm and optimism will understand why this method of short psychotherapeutic procedure is highly successful in its effects. Professor Gaetano Benedetti, M. D.


Positive Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of a

Pret: 889.00 RON
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Positive Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of a New Method

Editura: ALTHOS

Anul aparitiei: 1987

The union of Eastern and European points of view in an effective psycho- therapy, such as is described by the author, is very salutary. Especially the parables portray, in attractive symbolism, the wisdom ofthe East, in which psychological insights are represented in what seems to be the simplest way. The author understands how to bring his heritage to bear upon psy- chotherapy. Although the categories of his psychological system, for ex- ample basic capacities and actual capacities, certainly represent only one of many possible theoretical conceptions, we must conclude from his re- port that they can be used effectively in treatment. To be sure, such a sy- stem of categories, such a metapsychology, will be of greater assistance to the therapist than to the patient in explanation and clarification. In the fi- nal analysis the only essential thing for the patient who seeks out the psy- chotherapist for help is whether the physician or psychologist is candid with hirn and accepts hirn unconditionally, no matter what he is like. Peseschkian's "positive psychotherapy" and the author's lucid personal conduct transmit to the reader the impression that a born psychotherapist, with a ...


Psychosomatik Und Positive Psychotherapie:

Pret: 694.00 RON
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Psychosomatik Und Positive Psychotherapie: Transkultureller Und Interdisziplinarer Ansatz Am Beispiel Von 40 Krankheitsbildern

Editura: CCB PUB

Anul aparitiei: 1992

In den letzten Jahren sind verschiedene Bucher uber psychosomatische Medi- zin erschienen, die dem uberwiegend somatisch aus- und weitergebildeten Ant ein patientenbezogenes Arbeiten erleichtem sollen. Auf einzelne Dia- gnosen bezogen bleiben trotzdem viele Fragen offen, die Uiglich v. a. den nie- dergelassenen Arzt beschaftigen: Wie erhebe ich eine situationsbezogene An- amnese bei Patienten mit Adipositas, Haarausfall, funktionellen Herzbe- schwerden, bei Kindem mit VerhaltensauffaIligkeiten, bei SchlafstOrungen, sexuellen FunktionsstOrungen und der Unfahigkeit zur sinnvollen Stre8be- waltigung? Wie gestalte ich eine angemessene Diagnostik bei diesen StOrun- gen und welche Schwerpunkte hat die Gesundheitsberatung zu berucksichti- gen? Diese Fragen beantwortet aufgrund langjahriger Erfahrungen mit Patien- ten der Begriinder der positiven Psychotherapie und Autor verschiedener Bucher, Dr. med. Nossrat Peseschkian, Arzt fUr Neurologie und Psychiatrie! Psychotherapie, der seit 1977 als Dozent an der Akademie fUr arztliche Fort- und Weiterbildung der Landesarztekammer Hessen Uitig ist. Seit 1990 ist der Wiesbadener Weiterbildungskreis fUr Psychotherapie und Familientherapie (WIPF), ...


Das Geheimnis Des Samenkorns: Positive

Pret: 263.00 RON
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Das Geheimnis Des Samenkorns: Positive Stressbewaltigung


Anul aparitiei: 1996

Jeder Mensch braucht eine Anti-Stre -Strategie, denn überall, wo Menschen zusammentreffen, entwickeln sich Mi verständnisse, Schwierigkeiten und Konflikte, die zu Stre führen können. Gesund ist nicht derjenige, der keine Probleme hat, sondern derjenige, der in der Lage ist, mit ihnen positiv und phantasievoll umzugehen. Nossrat Peseschkian zeigt in seinen Fallgeschichten, wie ein anderer Blickwinkel helfen kann, aus einer verfahrenen Situation herauszufinden. Dazu verwendet er orientalische Märchen und Gleichnisse, die seinen Patienten neue Perspektiven zum Verständnis und damit zur Bewältigung ihrer Probleme eröffnen.


Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie

Pret: 538.00 RON
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Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Wiesbadener Inventar Zur Positiven Psychotherapie Und Familientherapie Wippf


Anul aparitiei: 2014

Während in der Regel in der psychotherapeutischen, psychologischen und pädago- gischen Literatur die funktionellen und dynamischen Zusammenhänge Berücksich- tigung finden, ergab sich für diese Arbeit die Aufgabe, systematisch und kritisch auf Inhalte von Erziehung, Therapie, zwischenmenschlichen und innerseelischen Kon- flikten einzugehen. Mit anderen Worten: Man hat sich daran gewöhnt, danach zu fragen, wie etwas geschieht (Konfliktproze ). Was geschieht, welche Inhalte es bestimmen (Konfliktinhaltl, wurde bislang nur am Rande beachtet, und dann eher als willkürlich ausgewähltes Beispiel. Die Frage nach den inhaltlichen Ursachen und Bedingungen von Störungen führte zu den Aktualfähigkeiten und Konzepten. Es geht darum, die familiären und partnerschaftlichen Spielregeln herauszuarbeiten, den körperlichen und seelischen Symptomen ihre Bedeutung zu vermitteln, und danach die Familie und ihre Mitglieder aus den aufgetretenen Konflikten zu lösen. Dieses Vorgehen ermöglicht es, sowohl auf bestehende Selbsthilfekapazitäten der Familie zurückzugreifen, als auch fokussierend familiäre Konflikte aufzuarbeiten. Das vorliegende Inventar ist das Ergebnis neunzehnjähriger ...


Oriental Stories as Techniques in Positive

Pret: 163.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Oriental Stories as Techniques in Positive Psychotherapy


Anul aparitiei: 2016

Oriental Stories as Techniques in Positive Psychotherapy - with 100 case examples for education and self-help and transcultural understanding - represents a new approach that taps fantasy and intuition and reactivates the individual's potential for conflict-solving. Given the way society is developing now, the solution of transcultural problems will create one of the major tasks of the future. While people of differing cultural circles used to be separated by great distances and came into contact only in unusual circumstances, technical innovations have dramatically increased the opportunities for contact in our time.


Positive Psychotherapy of Everyday Life: A

Pret: 299.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Positive Psychotherapy of Everyday Life: A Self-Help Guide for Individuals, Couples and Families with 250 Case Stories


Anul aparitiei: 2016

The author's model of positive psychotherapy is a synthesis of psychodynamics and behavior therapy that focuses on the positive aspects of conflicts and sufferings. He offers transcultural perspectives in the form of proverbs, myths, and fables in which the patient may recognize himself in allegorical terms and thus be able to establish a new form of self-confidence and security. Positive Psychotherapy of Everyday Life illustrates day-to-day conflicts that occur in partnerships, how they can arise from misunderstandings, and how laymen can deal with them.


Positive Psychotherapy of Everyday Life: A

Pret: 174.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Positive Psychotherapy of Everyday Life: A Self-Help Guide for Individuals, Couples and Families with 250 Case Stories


Anul aparitiei: 2016

The author's model of positive psychotherapy is a synthesis of psychodynamics and behavior therapy that focuses on the positive aspects of conflicts and sufferings. He offers transcultural perspectives in the form of proverbs, myths, and fables in which the patient may recognize himself in allegorical terms and thus be able to establish a new form of self-confidence and security. Positive Psychotherapy of Everyday Life illustrates day-to-day conflicts that occur in partnerships, how they can arise from misunderstandings, and how laymen can deal with them.


In Search of Meaning: Positive Psychotherapy Step

Pret: 174.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

In Search of Meaning: Positive Psychotherapy Step by Step


Anul aparitiei: 2016

In Search of Meaning shows that individuals suffering from a loss of meaning cannot find what they are looking for in a global concept, but rather must first take small steps to find the meaning behind single actions Revised edition: International Academy for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy - Peseschkian Foundation, Wiesbaden, Germany


In Search of Meaning: Positive Psychotherapy Step

Pret: 299.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

In Search of Meaning: Positive Psychotherapy Step by Step


Anul aparitiei: 2016

In Search of Meaning shows that individuals suffering from a loss of meaning cannot find what they are looking for in a global concept, but rather must first take small steps to find the meaning behind single actions Revised edition: International Academy for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy - Peseschkian Foundation, Wiesbaden, Germany


Positive Psychosomatics: Clinical Manual of

Pret: 412.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Positive Psychosomatics: Clinical Manual of Positive Psychotherapy


Anul aparitiei: 2016

Professor Nossrat Peseschkian, M.D. (1933-2010), a German Board-certified specialist in psychiatry, neurology, psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, was born in Iran and lived in Germany since 1954. After graduating from Frankfurt University, he received his postgraduate psychotherapeutic training in Germany, Switzerland and in the United States. Besides his daily work in his psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic private clinic in Wiesbaden, Germany (1969-2000), he was an associate professor for psychotherapy at the Academy of Continuing Medical Education of the State Medical Association in Hesse since 1974. He is the founder of Positive Psychotherapy, a humanistic psychodynamic method based on a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach. Positive Psychotherapy has been introduced by Professor Peseschkian in seminars and lectures at universities and medical centers in more than 70 countries world-wide. Professor Peseschkian was the founding director of the Wiesbaden Academy of Psychotherapy, a licensed postgraduate institute for medical doctors and psychologists, the founding president of the World Association for Positive Psychotherapy (WAPP) and the German Association for ...


Positive Psychosomatics: Clinical Manual of

Pret: 288.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Positive Psychosomatics: Clinical Manual of Positive Psychotherapy


Anul aparitiei: 2016

Professor Nossrat Peseschkian, M.D. (1933-2010), a German Board-certified specialist in psychiatry, neurology, psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, was born in Iran and lived in Germany since 1954. After graduating from Frankfurt University, he received his postgraduate psychotherapeutic training in Germany, Switzerland and in the United States. Besides his daily work in his psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic private clinic in Wiesbaden, Germany (1969-2000), he was an associate professor for psychotherapy at the Academy of Continuing Medical Education of the State Medical Association in Hesse since 1974. He is the founder of Positive Psychotherapy, a humanistic psychodynamic method based on a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach. Positive Psychotherapy has been introduced by Professor Peseschkian in seminars and lectures at universities and medical centers in more than 70 countries world-wide. Professor Peseschkian was the founding director of the Wiesbaden Academy of Psychotherapy, a licensed postgraduate institute for medical doctors and psychologists, the founding president of the World Association for Positive Psychotherapy (WAPP) and the German Association for ...


Oriental Stories as Techniques in Positive

Pret: 254.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Oriental Stories as Techniques in Positive Psychotherapy


Anul aparitiei: 2016

Oriental Stories as Techniques in Positive Psychotherapy - with 100 case examples for education and self-help and transcultural understanding - represents a new approach that taps fantasy and intuition and reactivates the individual's potential for conflict-solving. Given the way society is developing now, the solution of transcultural problems will create one of the major tasks of the future. While people of differing cultural circles used to be separated by great distances and came into contact only in unusual circumstances, technical innovations have dramatically increased the opportunities for contact in our time.


Positive Family Therapy: Positive Psychotherapy

Pret: 208.00 RON
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M. D. Nossrat Peseschkian (Author)

Positive Family Therapy: Positive Psychotherapy Manual for Therapists and Families


Anul aparitiei: 2016

The book, "Positive Family Therapy - Positive Psychotherapy Manual for Therapists and Families", focuses on the given capacity of the family as a whole to deal with conflicts within the family and the afflictions of its members through group discussions. Revised edition: International Academy for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy - Peseschkian Foundation, Wiesbaden, Germany

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