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Carmen Silvia Paraschiv

Drept procesul penal


Practica transferului international de tehnologie

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O familie vesela

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O familie vesela


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Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and

Pret: 141.00 RON
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Silvia Federici

Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation

Editura: Autonomedia

Anul aparitiei: 2004

Literary Nonfiction. CALIBAN AND THE WITCH is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Federici investigates the capitalist rationalization of social reproduction. She shows how the battle against the rebel body and the conflict between body and mind are essential conditions for the development of labor power and self-ownership, two central principles of modern social organization. It is both a passionate work of memory recovered and a hammer of humanity's agenda.--Peter Linebaugh, author of The London Hanged


Boulder: A Sense of Time & Place Revisited

Pret: 152.00 RON
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Silvia Pettem

Boulder: A Sense of Time & Place Revisited

Editura: History Press

Anul aparitiei: 2010

Journey with Silvia Pettem through Boulder's history in Boulder: A Sense of Time & Place Revisited. Watch the evolution from a frontier mining town to the "Athens of the West." Learn of murder and bootleggers in the 1920s, survive the Great Depression and follow Boulder's postwar growing pains as the city matures and residents reflect on its past. Each article is a story in itself but only a small piece of what makes Boulder the city it is today.


Mexican Poetry Today: 20/20 Voices

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Mexican Poetry Today: 20/20 Voices

Editura: Shearsman Books

Anul aparitiei: 2010

Mexico is one of the major centres of Hispanic poetry-something which is perhaps more visible from the USA than from Britain, but nonetheless something that needs to be realised by anyone who cares about contemporary poetry in Spanish, or indeed, contemporary poetry of any kind. This volume includes work by the following poets: Gloria Gervitz, Elva Macías, Elsa Cross, Francisco Hernández, Antonio Deltoro, Marco Antonio Campos, José Luis Rivas, Efraín Bartolomé, Hector Carreto, Manuel Ulacia, Víctor Manuel Mendiola, Silvia Tomasa Rivera, Jorge Valdes Díaz-Valdez, Pedro Serrano, Verónica Volkow, Luis Miguel Aguilar, Jennifer Clement, Maria Baranda, Samuel Noyola, Natalia Toledo.


The Sixteen Pleasures

Pret: 160.00 RON
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Robert Hellenga, Omartian

The Sixteen Pleasures

Editura: Delta

Anul aparitiei: 1995

Chapter OneWhere I Want to Be I was twenty-nine years old when the Arno flooded its banks on Friday 4 November 1966. According to the Sunday New York Times the damage wasn't extensive, but by Monday it was clear that Florence was a disaster. Twenty feet of water in the cloisters of Santa Croce, the Cimabue crucifix ruined beyond hope of restoration, panels ripped from the Baptistry doors, the basement of the Biblioteca Nazionale completely underwater, hundreds of thousands of volumes waterlogged, the Archivio di Stato in total disarray. On Tuesday I decided to go to Italy, to offer my services as a humble book conservator, to help in any way I could, to save whatever could be saved, including myself. The decision wasn't a popular one at home. Papa was having money troubles of his own and didn't want to pay for a ticket. And my boss at the Newberry Library didn't understand either. He already had his ticket, paid for by the library, and needed me to mind the store. There wasn't any point in both of us going, was there? "The why don't I go and you can mind the store?" "Because, because, because . . ." "Yes?" Because it just didn't make sense. He couldn't see his way clear to granting ...


The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Pret: 107.00 RON
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William Shakespeare (Author)

The Two Gentlemen of Verona


Anul aparitiei: 2008

Thought to be Shakespeare's earliest surviving play, The Two Gentlemen of Verona is a comedy filled with passionate lovers, women disguised as men, sword fights and sudden revelations, and a happy denouement, all underscored by a farcical subplot featuring the character Launce and his dog Crab. Perfect for theater professionals and general readers, this marvelous edition includes an extensive performance history, a commentary illuminating the complexities of Shakespeare's language, and a setting of the song "Who is Silvia?" prepared from an Elizabethan source. The introduction by Roger Warren explores the play as a theatrical counterpart to the sonnets--a dramatization of competing kinds of love--analyzes the lyrical language, and provides further evidence that The Two Gentlemen is indeed Shakespeare's earliest play. Based on the text contained in The Oxford Shakespeare, this edition also includes substantive notes; a new, modern-spelling text, collated and edited from all existing printings; and on-page commentary and notes explain language, word-play, and staging. Attractively illustrated and durably constructed for lasting use, this is the finest edition of The Two Gentlemen in ...


Silvia DuBois, a Biografy of the Slav Who Whipt

Pret: 1091.00 RON
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Cornelius Wilson Larison (Author)

Silvia DuBois, a Biografy of the Slav Who Whipt Her Mistres and Gand Her Fredom


Anul aparitiei: 1988

In an extended interview in 1883 Silvia Dubois, then nearly 100 years old, told her life story to Dr. Larison. This edition preserves Larison's idiosyncratic phonetic spelling, with annotations.


Exploring the Psychology of Interest

Pret: 950.00 RON
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Paul J. Silvia (Author)

Exploring the Psychology of Interest


Anul aparitiei: 2006

Psychologists have always been interested in interest, and so modern research on interest can be found in nearly every area of the field: Researchers studying emotions, cognition, development, education, aesthetics, personality, motivation, and vocations have developed intriguing ideas about what interest is and how it works. Exploring the Psychology of Interest presents an integrated picture of how interest has been studied in all the wide-ranging areas of psychology. Using modern theories of cognition and emotion as an integrative framework, Paul Silvia examines the nature of interest, what makes things interesting, the role of interest in personality, and the development of peoples idiosyncratic interests, hobbies, and avocations. His examination reveals deep similarities between seemingly different fields of psychology and illustrates the profound importance of interest, curiosity, and intrinsic motivation for understanding why people do what they do. The most comprehensive work of its kind, Exploring the Psychology of Interest will be a valuable resource for student and professional researchers in cognitive, social, and developmental psychology.


The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Pret: 1695.00 RON
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William Shakespeare (Author)

The Two Gentlemen of Verona


Anul aparitiei: 2008

This edition of The Two Gentlemen of Verona offers a complete consideration of all aspects of the text. It interprets the play less as a contribution to a Renaissance literary debate between love and friendship (the traditional academic view) than as a dramatization of competing kinds of love--a theatrical counterpart to Shakespeare's Sonnets. It analyzes the lyrical language with which these kinds of love are expressed, and explores the tension between lyricism and the violence of some of the play's events, notably the concluding attempted rape scene. It also provides further evidence that The Two Gentlemen is Shakespeare's earliest surviving play, and proposes a new actor for whom the principal comic role of Lance may have been designed. This is the only edition to offer a setting of the song "Who is Silvia?" prepared by Guy Woolfenden from an Elizabethan source, and is therefore the only edition on the market to provide a complete text for performance.


The Handbook of Experiential Learning and

Pret: 1125.00 RON
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Michael Reynolds (Editor)

The Handbook of Experiential Learning and Management Education


Anul aparitiei: 2007

While Experiential Learning has been one of the most influential methods in the education and development of managers and management students, it has also been one of the most misunderstood. This Handbook offers the reader a comprehensive picture of current thinking on experiential learning; ideas and examples of experiential learning in practice; and it emphasises the importance of experiential learning to the future of management education. Contributors include: Chris Argyris, Joseph Champoux, D. Christopher Kayes, Ruth Colquhoun, John Coopey, Nelarine Cornelius, Elizabeth L. Creese, Gordon Dehler, Andrea Ellinger, Meretta Elliott, Silvia Gherardi, Jeff Gold, Steve G. Green, Kurt Heppard, Anne Herbert, Robin Holt, Martin J. Hornyak, Paula Hyde, Tusse Sidenius Jensen, Sandra Jones, Anna Kayes, Kirsi Korpiaho, Tracy Lamping, Tony Lingham, Enrico Maria Piras, Sallyanne Miller, Amar Mistry, Dale Murray, Jean Neumann, Barbara Poggio, Keijo Räsänen, Peter Reason, Michael Reynolds, Bente Rugaard Thorsen, Burkard Sievers, Stephen Smith, Sari Stenfors, Antonio Strati, Elaine Swan, Jane Thompson, Richard Thorpe, Kiran Trehan, Russ Vince, Jane Rohde Voight, Tony Watson, and Ann Welsh. ...


Nuns: A History of Convent Life: 1450-1700

Pret: 346.00 RON
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Silvia Evangelisti (Author)

Nuns: A History of Convent Life: 1450-1700


Anul aparitiei: 2008

Praised in The Atlantic Monthly as an "engrossing narrative," Nuns tells the fascinating stories of the women who have lived in religious communities during some of the most tumultuous years in European history. Drawing particularly on the nuns' own words, Silvia Evangelisti reveals their ideals and achievements, frustrations and failures, and their attempts to reach out to the society around them. She explores how they came to the cloister, how they responded to monastic discipline, and how they pursued their spiritual, intellectual, and missionary activities. Indeed, nuns often found a way to contribute to their communities by creating charities and schools, while a few exceptional women made names for themselves for their artistic talents or for establishing new convents. This book features the individual stories of some of the most outstanding historical figures, including Teresa of Avila, who set up over seventeen new convents. Evangelisti shows how these women were able to overcome some of the restrictions placed on women in their societies at large. In doing so, she provides a fascinating and rarely seen glimpse into their intriguing world.


Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery

Pret: 1520.00 RON
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Silvia Scarpa (Author)

Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery


Anul aparitiei: 2008

In recent decades the international community has focused its attention on trafficking in persons, which is surely one of the most worrying phenomena of the 21st century. In Part I, this book examines trafficking in persons in the light of the recent definition of the phenomenon given by the UN Trafficking Protocol, and various other international legal instruments including treaties and 'soft law'. It analyses trafficking causes and consequences, and the most common forms of exploitation related to it. Part II reviews the most important international conventions against slavery and the slave trade, and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. It also analyses the most important policy documents setting the basic standards of protection for trafficked victims - namely the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights' Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking - and comments on the extension of the jus cogens principle of international law that prohibits slavery, to argue that trafficking in persons ought rightly to be considered a part of it. Part III deals with the Council of Europe ...


Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient

Pret: 1301.00 RON
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Silvia Montiglio (Author)

Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel


Anul aparitiei: 2012

From the Odyssey and King Lear to modern novels by Umberto Eco and John le Carré, the recognition scene has enjoyed a long life in western literature. It first became a regular feature of prose literature in the Greek novels of the first century CE. In these examples, it is the event that ensures the happy ending for the hero and heroine, and as such, it seems, was as pleasing for Greek readers as the canonical Hollywood kiss is for contemporary movie goers. Recognitions are particularly gratifying in the context of the ancient novels because the genre as a whole celebrates the idyllic social order to which the heroes and heroines belong and from which they have been harshly severed. In spite of their high frequency and thematic importance, novelistic recognitions have attracted little critical attention, especially in relation to epic and tragedy. With Love and Providence, Silvia Montiglio seeks to fill this gap. She begins by introducing the meaning of recognitions in the ancient novel both within the novels' narrative structure and thought world--that is, the values and ideals propounded in the narrative. She pursues these goals while examining novels by Chariton, Xenophon of ...


The Scottish Enlightenment: Race, Gender, and the

Pret: 1109.00 RON
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Silvia Sebastiani (Author)

The Scottish Enlightenment: Race, Gender, and the Limits of Progress


Anul aparitiei: 2013

The Scottish Enlightenment shaped a new conception of history as a gradual and universal progress from savagery to civil society. Whereas women emancipated themselves from the yoke of male-masters, men in turn acquired polite manners and became civilized. Such a conception, however, presents problematic questions: why were the Americans still savage? Why was it that the Europeans only had completed all the stages of the historic process? Could modern societies escape the destiny of earlier empires and avoid decadence? Was there a limit beyond which women's influence might result in dehumanization? The Scottish Enlightenment's legacy for modernity emerges here as a two-faced Janus, an unresolved tension between universalism and hierarchy, progress and the limits of progress.


A Revolution of Desire

Pret: 115.00 RON
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Penny Laurie

Consent A Revolution of Desire

Editura: Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)

Anul aparitiei: 2020

An urgent, hopeful, and unapologetically radical new book about consent, democracy, desire, and the future of sexual politics from award-winning writer Laurie Penny."I can't really think of another writer who so consistently and bravely keeps thinking and talking and learning and trying to make the world better." -Caitlin Moran We are in the middle of a sexual revolution. In our era of crisis, collapse, and reactionary tyrants, we are also witnessing a productive transformation: profound and permanent changes in how we define gender, sex, consent, and whose bodies matter. It's a time of creative disobedience, of reimagining ways of organizing care, reproduction, and the work of building and sustaining the human species. These changes threaten the social and economic certainties that form our world; they threaten existing power structures, and they undermine the authority of institutions from the waged workplace to the nuclear family. No wonder the far right is fighting so hard. A shakeup in sexual and gender relations is a shakeup in political, economic, and social life as well. The stakes could not be higher. Based on Laurie Penny's celebrated, Ellie-award nominated Longreads ...


The Spell of Hypnos
Sleep and Sleeplessness in

Pret: 426.00 RON
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Montiglio Silvia (Johns Hopkins University USA)

The Spell of Hypnos Sleep and Sleeplessness in Ancient Greek Literature

Editura: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

Anul aparitiei: 2020

Sleep was viewed as a boon by the ancient Greeks: sweet, soft, honeyed, balmy, care-loosening, as the Iliad has it. But neither was sleep straightforward, nor safe. It could be interrupted, often by a dream. It could be the site of dramatic intervention by a god or goddess. It might mark the transition in a narrative relationship, as when Penelope for the first time in weeks slumbers happily through Odysseus' vengeful slaughter of her suitors. Silvia Montiglio's imaginative and comprehensive study of the topic illuminates the various ways in which writers in antiquity used sleep to deal with major aspects of plot and character development. The author shows that sleeplessness, too, carries great weight in classical literature. Doom hangs by a thread as Agamemnon - in Iphigenia in Aulis - paces, restless and sleepless, while around him everyone else dozes on. Exploring recurring tropes of somnolence and wakefulness in the Iliad , the Odyssey , Athenian drama, the Argonautica and ancient novels by Xenophon, Chariton, Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius, this is a unique contribution to better understandings of ancient Greek writing.


Sophie Taeuber-Arp (bilingual edition)
A Life

Pret: 251.00 RON
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Boadella Silvia

Sophie Taeuber-Arp (bilingual edition) A Life through Art / Ein Leben fur die Kunst

Editura: Skira

Anul aparitiei: 2020

An intimate look at the life and career of the Dada hero known for the unique joy of her work across mediums, authored by her great-niece and buttressed with archival materialA Wall Street Journal 2021 holiday gift guide pick Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889-1943) was a pioneer of modern art. She was at the center of Zurich's Dada movement and is considered the most important female Swiss artist of the early 20th century. She was a modern dancer, painter, sculptor, textile artist, designer; and interior architect. She made paper, textiles, wood, and glass shine - she bound light to matter in paintings, jewelry, embroidery, rugs, marionettes, furniture, and sculptures.This unique portrait shows how Taeuber-Arp remained passionately devoted to her art despite the threat of two world wars. Through her work, she not only found and preserved her inner self and joy in extremely difficult circumstances, but also tapped enormous strength to endure the challenges in her life and remain true to herself.The author, Silvia Boadella, is Taeuber-Arp's great niece and grew up with Sophie's art. Her approach is intimate and empathetic, as if she were looking at the world through Taeuber-Arp's eyes, when ...

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