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The Balkans After the Cold War From Tyranny to Tragedy

Descriere: At the end of the Cold War, the Balkan states of South East Europe were in crisis. They had emerged from two decades of hardline communism with their economies in disarray and authoritarian leaders poised to whip up nationalist feelings so as to cling on to power. The break up of Yugoslavia followed in 1991 along with prolonged instability in Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. The Balkans After The Cold War analyses these turbulent events, which led to violence on a scale not seen in Europe for nearly 50 years and offers a detailed critique of Western policy towards the region. This volume follows on from the recently published Outcast Europe: The Balkans, 1789 - 1989 - from the Ottomans to Milosevic, also by Tom Gallagher.

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Autori: Gallagher Tom | Editura: Taylor & Francis Ltd | Anul aparitiei: 2007 | ISBN: 9780415375603 | Numar de pagini: 264 | Categorie: Politics  


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