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Descriere: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide for NonscientistsScience 101: Ecology shows how every living and nonliving thing has a unique role to play on Earth. Learn why most plants and animals would die if insects became extinct. Discover the surprising value of large predators in the world's ecosystems. Experience Earth's extremes, from the sweltering rain forest of Costa Rica to the frozen tundra of Siberia. Clear, engaging text details ecology's past, present, and futureComprehensive information on the world's animal and plant populations, and the unique and varied habitats in which they liveMore than 250 full-color photographs and illustrationsReady Reference section with at-a-glance charts and diagrams featuring endangered species and famous ecologists

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Autori: Jennifer Freeman | Editura: Collins | Anul aparitiei: 2007 | ISBN: 9780060891336 | Numar de pagini: 218 | Categorie: Science  


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