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Pret: 168,00 RON
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Fishing For Dummies

Descriere: Fishing For Dummies, UK Edition, provides you with a thorough introduction to all types of fishing - sea fishing, game fishing, and coarse fishing. This authoritative covers everything you need to know about this fantastic sport, including instruction on: Identifying the key species of fish found within and off the coasts of the British Isles Selecting the right rods, reels, line, and tackle Mastering casting techniques Tying knots like a seasoned angler Hooking and landing fish with ease

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Autori: Kaminsky Peter, Schwipps Greg, Garnett Dominic | Editura: John Wiley & Sons Inc | Anul aparitiei: 2012 | ISBN: 9781119953555 | Numar de pagini: 400 | Categorie: Sports  


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