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Freedom: Credos from the Road

Descriere: There are few men who are as quintessentially American as Sonny Barger. He is patriotic--a veteran who loves his country. He is independent--choosing his own path on his motorcycle, living life on his own terms. He is outspoken--he has boldly criticized injustices in American law and society despite the backlash this has evoked from the establishment. Yet the element that he finds most important, most sacred, most American, is freedom.In Freedom, Sonny articulates many of the principles he employs in his own life. Whether he is regarded as a leader, a rebel, a revolutionary, a criminal, or a soldier, Sonny's outlook has been influenced not just by school but by the military, prison, and his experiences riding with the world's most notorious motorcycle club. It was on these various journeys that he learned the lessons that are most important in his life and the qualities he respects when he sees them in others: Independence
Customize Yourself; Originals Don't Come Off an Assembly LineToughness
Temper the Steel to Forge a Strong BladeFairness
Treat Me Good, I'll Treat You Better; Treat Me Bad, I'll Treat You WorsePresented in the form of fifty credos, this book gives Sonny Barger's perspective on how to live a life that embodies the most fundamental of American virtues: freedom.

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Autori: Sonny Barger | Editura: William Morrow & Company | Anul aparitiei: 2005 | ISBN: 9780060532567 | Numar de pagini: 212 | Categorie: Self-Help  


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