Descriere: "Istoria oratoriei este unul dintre cele mai interesante capitole ale istoriei omenirii. Oamenii înzestraţi cu darul vorbirii, fie ei regi, comandanţi de oşti sau politicieni, creatorii de cultură, au jucat un rol de prim ordin în alcătuirea şi progresul civilizaţiei.
Marii oratori ai antichităţii greceşti şi romane vorbeau în agora, astăzi pieţelor publice le-au luat locul micul ecran al televizorului şi cvadratul cotidienelor.
Strălucirea şi adâncimea ideii, glasul, ţinuta, nuanţarea, gesturile, energia frazei, uşurinţa improvizaţiei, toate laolaltă şi fiecare în parte concură la gloria oratorului.
Dar niciodată nu se va putea detecta cu exactitate ce anume determină forţa magică a oratorului.
Cartea de faţă confirmă acest vechi adevăr." (Teşu Solomovici)
Autori: Vasile V. Hanes, Tesu Solomovici | Editura: Tesu | Numar de pagini: 311 | Categorie: Istorie
Tesu Solomovici
Coll, Steve
Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power
A thorough, sobering study of the pernicious consolidation of Big Oil. With admirable restraint, New Yorker contributor and two-time Pulitzer winner Coll (The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century, 2008, etc.) demonstrates how the merger of Exxon and Mobil has allowed the company to wield more power and wealth than even the American government, in the manner of John D. Rockefeller. Exxon had functioned as an independent corporate state since its antitrust breakoff from Standard Oil in 1911, and was ranked by profit performance in the top five corporations from the 1950s through the end of the Cold War. With the catastrophic spill of the Valdez in Alaska in 1989, the network of secrecy and internal security within Exxon was exposed but hardly tempered. The iron chief who emerged from the crisis, Lee Raymond, reappraised risk and security within the organization and took a hard line against efforts to extract from it punitive damages. Moving the headquarters to Texas in 1993, the company retrenched in its nose-thumbing determination to encourage and supply America's thirst for oil, casting around at more far-flung spots in the world that could provide the crude--such ...