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Studying Contemporary Western Society: Method and Theory

Descriere: Few anthropologists today realize the pioneering role Margaret Mead played in the investigation of contemporary cultures. This volume collects and presents a variety of her essays on research methodology relating to contemporary culture. Many of these essays were printed originally in limited circulation journals, research reports and books edited by others. They reflect Mead's continuing commitment to searching out methods for studying and extending the anthropologist's tools of investigation for use in complex societies. Essays on American and European societies, intergenerational relations, architecture and social space, industrialization, and interracial relations are included in this varied and exciting collection.

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Autori: Margaret Mead (Author) | Editura: SCHWARTZ & WADE BOOKS | Anul aparitiei: 2003 | ISBN: 9781571818164 | Numar de pagini: 304 | Categorie: Sociology  


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