Jurnalul unu puști 9. La drum lun

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Jeff Kinney

Jurnalul unu puști 9. La drum lun

Editura: Art

Anul aparitiei: 2014

Familia Heffley pleacă într-o excursie cu maşina, ca să se distreze şi să petreacă timp împreună. Călătoria începe promiţător, însă pe parcurs apar tot felul de surprize. Pescăruşi trăsniţi, un mic accident de maşină, un porc fugar – nimic din toate astea nu e tocmai ceea ce Greg ar numi „distracţie“. Dar până şi cea mai catastrofală excursie se poate transforma într-o aventură – una pe care nu o vor uita prea curând. Cititorii sunt înnebuniţi după seria Jurnalul unui puşti. Bestseller USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal şi New York Times: „Kinney e un star al lumii editoriale.“ Backseat Book Club „Una dintre cele mai îndrăgite serii de cărţi pentru copii din toate timpurile.“ Washington Post „Un mare succes chiar şi pentru cititorii sceptici, şi pentru oricine caută o carte teribil de amuzantă.“ School Library Journal - See more at: http://www.editura-arthur.ro/carte/jurnalul-unu-pusti-9-la-drum-lung#sthash.1nYpWnLu.dpuf


Set doua carti B5 3-4 ani 2016

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Artificial Intentions

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Rosemarie A. D'Amico

Artificial Intentions

Editura: iUniverse.com

Anul aparitiei: 2010

Kate Monahan is back in this thrilling sequel to Options, the first Kate Monahan mystery. After the unfortunate chain of events at TechniGroup Consulting that left her injured and unemployed, Kate is close to hitting rock bottom. She's working at a new job that she hates, just to get by. She's been through a lot, but she's trying to persevere. What other choice does she have? And then Kate gets a call for help that changes her life. She immediately boards a private jet for Manhattan, where nothing is what it seems. Kate finds herself tossed into a pile of puzzle pieces - a tragic series of events within the unexpected realm of corporate enterprise. She is faced with difficult decisions that will test her strength, her loyalty, and even her love. Will Kate persevere to the end of this dangerous journey - or will she end up dead?


Brain Tree - Candy Collection 1000 Pieces Jigsaw

Pret: 122.00 RON
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Brain Tree Games LLC (Created by)

Brain Tree - Candy Collection 1000 Pieces Jigsaw Puzzle for Adults: With Droplet Technology for Anti Glare & Soft Touch


Anul aparitiei: 2023

Candy collection is an art with so many candies and sweets jumbled on a table, This art has colors from every palate which is catchy for a puzzler while solving the puzzle.1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle with a perfect blend of elegance and creativity Each & every piece is unique in shape ( Random Cut ) to make the jigsaw puzzle-solving experience memorablePearl Series puzzles are premium quality puzzle which is made from Japanese high quality board.Each puzzle piece is around 2 mm thick which makes the puzzles durable and sturdyThis 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle contain add-ons like puzzle poster, zipper bag and, puzzle box stand.High-quality Pearl Series boards are used to give the puzzle a premium look and feelDroplet Technology is used in all our puzzles to achieve anti-glare surface, premium matte effect, and micro water drop effect.


Spiridusii si primul ajutor 20/27

Pret: 15.99 RON
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Pop Hamilton Alexander ACT 2 Vinyl Figure

Pret: 102.00 RON
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Funko (Created by)

Pop Hamilton Alexander ACT 2 Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022


Pop NBA Lakers Russell Westbrook Vinyl Figure

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Funko (Created by)

Pop NBA Lakers Russell Westbrook Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022


Pop NBA Nets Kevin Durant Vinyl Figure

Pret: 102.00 RON
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Funko (Created by)

Pop NBA Nets Kevin Durant Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022


Pop NBA Nets James Harden Vinyl Figure

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Funko (Created by)

Pop NBA Nets James Harden Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022


Pop Black Adam Atom Smasher Vinyl Figure

Pret: 102.00 RON
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Funko (Created by)

Pop Black Adam Atom Smasher Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022


Maimuţa goală

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Desmond Morris

Maimuţa goală

Editura: Art

Anul aparitiei: 2015

Această carte clasică a zoologului Desmond Morris îşi merită locul alături de Originea speciilor a lui Darwin, prezentându-l pe Om nu ca pe un înger căzut, ci ca pe o maimuţă înălţată, care dovedeşte un simţ al umorului, o energie şi o imaginaţie remarcabile, dar care nu este altceva decât un animal aflat în pericolul de a uita de unde a plecat. Cu intuiţiile sale penetrante legate de istoria începuturilor Omului, de viaţa lui sexuală, de obiceiurile lui şi de legăturile sale uimitoare cu lumea animalelor, Maimuţa goală este o carte-jalon deopotrivă provocatoare, incitantă şi durabilă. Maimuţa goală s-a vândut în peste 20 milioane de exemplare în toată lumea şi a fost tradusă în aproape toate limbile cunoscute. O carte care n-ar trebui să-i scape nici unei fiinţe umane animale.


Micul Prinţ

Pret: 29.00 RON
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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Micul Prinţ

Editura: Art

Anul aparitiei: 2015

Micul Prinţ este o carte simplă şi profundă în acelaşi timp, o carte care se citeşte cu emoţie şi cu inima deschisă. Omuleţul cu fular auriu venit de pe asteroidul B 612 te îmblânzeşte, te face să zâmbeşti şi te pune pe gânduri. Dacă le spuneţi oamenilor mari: ... «Dovada că micul prinţ a este că era fermecător, că râdea şi voia o oaie. Când vrei o oaie e o dovadă că exişti», o să de din umeri şi-o să spună că astea-s copilării... Aşa sunt ei. Nu trebuie să le-o iei în nume de rău. Copiii să fie foarte îngăduitori cu oamenii mari. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Se spune că o carte renaşte la fiecare traducere. Micul Prinţ merită să se nască măcar odată la fiecare nouă generaţie. Ioana Pârvulescu


Learn to Draw Disney's the Little Mermaid: Learn

Pret: 49.00 RON
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Disney Storybook Artists

Learn to Draw Disney's the Little Mermaid: Learn to Draw Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, Ursula, and Other Favorite Characters Step by Step! ( Licensed Learn to Draw )

Anul aparitiei: 2013

Learning to draw has never been so fun and easy! Now budding artists can dive under the sea to join Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, and other favorite characters on a fun-filled artistic adventure thanks to "Learn to Draw Disney's The Little Mermaid." With the simple-to-follow step-by-step instructions in this beautifully illustrated colorful book, young fans will enjoy learning how to draw Ariel and her friends from the time-cherished classic Disney animated film, "The Little Mermaid. "The book opens by introducing artists to a small selection of essential drawing tools and materials, as well as a range of options for adding color, such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, and paint. Next, artists are directed to warm-up with some quick and easy sketching exercises before moving on to the step-by-step drawing projects. Each drawing lesson begins with a basic shape, such as a circle or an oval; then each step builds upon the last and eventually progresses to a finished final color artwork. Additionally, each new drawing step is shown in blue for a helpful guide so young artists know exactly what to draw next. Along the way, professional Disney artists and illustrators share helpful ...


Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism:

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Gale Research Inc (Editor)

Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism: Criticism of the Works of World Authors from Classical Antiquity Through the Fourteenth Century, from the


Anul aparitiei: 2023

Classical and Medieval Literature CriticismM assembles and contextualizes critical responses to the works of writers of all sorts--poets, playwrights, chroniclers, philosophers, religious figures, and writers from other genres--from every region of the world, from the earliest known examples of written works to the eve of the modern era. Clear, accessible introductory essays followed by carefully selected critical responses allow end-users to engage with a variety of scholarly views and conversations about authors, works and literary topics. Students writing papers or class presentations, instructors preparing their syllabi, or anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the period will find this a highly useful resource. Each of the more than 160 volumes in this long-standing series profiles approximately 3-6 authors or individual works of all genres, by providing a brief introduction and a collection of full-text or excerpted criticism reproduced from books, magazines, literary reviews, newspapers and scholarly journals; many include an author portrait. A full citation and annotation precede each of the approximately 50 essays per volume. The series currently covers nearly 400 ...


Children's Literature Review: Excerts from

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Gale Research Inc (Editor)

Children's Literature Review: Excerts from Reviews, Criticism, and Commentary on Books for Children and Young People


Anul aparitiei: 2023

This illustrated series covers more than 600 writers and illustrators for children and young adults, including such notable figures as Louisa May Alcott, Judy Blume, A. A. Milne, Walter Dean Myers and Maurice Sendak. Typical entries consist of a listing of major works and awards and criticism from significant reviews and commentaries on the authors or artists works. Each volume includes cumulative author name and nationality indexes as well as a volume-specific title index. A cumulative title index to the entire series is published separately.


Children's Literature Review: Excerts from

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Gale Research Inc (Editor)

Children's Literature Review: Excerts from Reviews, Criticism, and Commentary on Books for Children and Young People


Anul aparitiei: 2023

This illustrated series covers more than 600 writers and illustrators for children and young adults, including such notable figures as Louisa May Alcott, Judy Blume, A. A. Milne, Walter Dean Myers and Maurice Sendak. Typical entries consist of a listing of major works and awards and criticism from significant reviews and commentaries on the authors or artists works. Each volume includes cumulative author name and nationality indexes as well as a volume-specific title index. A cumulative title index to the entire series is published separately.


Pop Wonder Woman Fall of Sinestro Vinyl Figure

Pret: 102.00 RON
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Funko (Created by)

Pop Wonder Woman Fall of Sinestro Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022


Pop Wonder Woman Flashpoint Vinyl Figure

Pret: 102.00 RON
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Funko (Created by)

Pop Wonder Woman Flashpoint Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022



Pret: 29.00 RON
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W. G. Sebald


Editura: Art

Anul aparitiei: 2015

Praga decide să-l trimită la începutul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial în Anglia, la o vârstă atât de mică, încât băiatul – care va fi adoptat de familia unui pastor calvinist din Ţara Galilor – nu-şi va putea aminti şi înţelege mai târziu propriul trecut. La maturitate află care e adevăratul lui nume şi porneşte prin Europa încercând să-şi recompună o istorie pe care o presimţise cumva întotdeauna într-un mod melancolic, descoperind-o acum, treptat, în tot ce are ea mai funest şi mai tragic. J. Austerlitz, neobişnuitul erou al lui Sebald, se vede nevoit să-şi reconstituie viaţa bucată cu bucată, prin îmbinarea unor poveşti disparate, adesea incredibile, pentru a afla, în ultimă instanţă, cine este. Austerlitz este ultimul roman al lui W. G. Sebald şi capodopera sa, o poveste tandră şi sobră deopotrivă, o dramă atât de profundă, încât rămâne aproape incomunicabilă. „O evidentă carte de geniu.“ Literary Review „Oare mai e încă posibilă măreţia literară? Cum ar putea să mai arate o iniţiativă literară nobilă? Unul dintre puţinele răspunsuri disponibile nouă este opera lui W.G. Sebald.“ Susan ...


Pop NBA Suns Chris Paul Vinyl Figure

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Funko (Created by)

Pop NBA Suns Chris Paul Vinyl Figure

Editura: FUNKO

Anul aparitiei: 2022

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