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Aircraft: Basic Science, Student Guide

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Michael J. Kroes, James R. Rardon, Sharon Ferrett

Aircraft: Basic Science, Student Guide

Editura: Career Education

Anul aparitiei: 1993


Holt California Mathematics, Course 1 Homework and

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Holt California Mathmatics Course 2 Homework and

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Holt California Mathmatics Course 2 Homework and Practice Workbook

Editura: Steck-Vaughn

Anul aparitiei: 2009


Ladron de la Mente

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Elías Miguel Muñoz

Ladron de la Mente

Editura: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua

Anul aparitiei: 1999

The second title in the Storyteller's Series, @lt;I@gt;Ladron de la mente@lt;/I@gt; is a surreal and supernatural story for high-beginning and low-intermediate students, written in simple Spanish for learners of Spanish. Written by respected author Elias Miguel Munoz, this inviting and inexpensive paperback can be used as early as second semester, first-year Spanish. As the story unfolds, students soon learn what happens to a thief who steals something other than property. The essence of the story has not changed since the first edition, yet @lt;I@gt;Ladron de la mente@lt;/I@gt; now features material that is even more readable and thought provoking. Numerous subtle changes were made as well as some major ones.


All-Star - Book 1 (Beginning) - Workbook

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Linda Lee, Lee Linda, Bernard Jean

All-Star - Book 1 (Beginning) - Workbook

Editura: Mcgraw Hill

Anul aparitiei: 2004

"All-Star" is a four-level, "standards-based" series for adult English learners featuring a picture-dictionary approach to vocabulary building. "Big picture" scenes in each unit provide springboards to a wealth of activities that develop all the language skills. An accessible, step-by-step sequence of lessons in each unit systemically builds language and math skills around life-skill topics. The series presents a family, work, or community application in each unit, and provides two alternate lesson applications in each of the "All Star" Workbooks. This workbook is designed to accompany the beginning level student book.


All-Star - Book 2 (High Beginning) - Workbook

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Linda Lee, Bernard Jean, Lee Linda

All-Star - Book 2 (High Beginning) - Workbook

Editura: Mcgraw Hill

Anul aparitiei: 2004

"All-Star" is a four-level, "standards-based" series for adult English learners featuring a picture-dictionary approach to vocabulary building. "Big picture" scenes in each unit provide springboards to a wealth of activities that develop all the language skills. An accessible, step-by-step sequence of lessons in each unit systemically builds language and math skills around life-skill topics. The series presents a family, work, or community application in each unit, and provides two alternate lesson applications in each of the "All Star" Workbooks. This workbook is designed to accompany the high beginning level student book.


All-Star - Book 3 (Intermediate) - Workbook

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Linda Lee, Bernard Jean, Lee Linda

All-Star - Book 3 (Intermediate) - Workbook

Editura: Mcgraw Hill

Anul aparitiei: 2005

"All-Star" is a four-level, "standards-based" series for adult English learners featuring a picture-dictionary approach to vocabulary building. "Big picture" scenes in each unit provide springboards to a wealth of activities that develop all the language skills. An accessible, step-by-step sequence of lessons in each unit systemically builds language and math skills around life-skill topics. The series presents a family, work, or community application in each unit, and provides two alternate lesson applications in each of the "All Star" Workbooks. This workbook is designed to accompany the intermediate level student book.


Stern's Introductory Plant Biology

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Shelley H. Jansky, James E. Bidlack

Stern's Introductory Plant Biology

Editura: Mcgraw Hill

Anul aparitiei: 2010

This introductory text assumes little prior scientific knowledge on the part of the student. It includes sufficient information for some shorter introductory botany courses open to both majors and nonmajors, and is arranged so that certain sections can be omitted without disrupting the overall continuity of the course. Stern emphasizes current interests while presenting basic botanical principles.


AP Achiever (Advanced Placement* Exam Preparation

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Joel Colton, Lloyd Kramer, R. R. Palmer

AP Achiever (Advanced Placement* Exam Preparation Guide) for European History (College Test Prep)

Editura: McGraw-Hill/Glencoe

Anul aparitiei: 2008

Designed to help Advanced Placement students succeed in their studies and achieve a '5' on the AP Exam, AP Achiever for European History provides: A thorough explanation of course expectations, exam parameters, preparation suggestions, as well as comprehensive tips on writing essays for the document-based and free-response section of the Exam, all to help your students maximize studies and time. Each chapter includes a thorough content review and "Heads Up " and "Sidebar" sections designed to connect important topics, clarify common misunderstandings, or add important information to assist in preparation for the exam. This book covers standard political, diplomatic, economic, and intellectual trends, but also makes a special effort to incorporate essential social and cultural history that is increasingly emphasized on the exam. Multiple-choice, document-based questions and free-response questions with detailed answers are included for each chapter. Two complete timed practice exams with detailed answers and sample essays help students gear up for your final test day. AP Achiever for European History may be used independently or in conjunction with any European History text. For ...


AP Achiever Advanced Placement Exam Prep Guide

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Raymond Chang

AP Achiever Advanced Placement Exam Prep Guide

Editura: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math

Anul aparitiei: 2008

Designed to help Advanced Placement students succeed and achieve a '5' on the AP Exam AP Achiever for Chemistry provides: An introduction to the Chemistry Advanced Placement Course and Exam, including tips on essay writing for the free-response portion of the Exam. Concepts, skills, and summaries that reinforce key material. Each chapter also includes "Take Note" sections to guide students through the most important information most likely featured on the AP Exam, as well as practice multiple-choice and essay questions with explanations. Two complete practice exams parallel the AP Chemistry Exam in terms of question type, and number of questions. Each practice exam is also similar to the AP Exam with regard to content, style, and format, and it includes answers and thorough explanations for your students. AP Achiever for Chemistry may be used independently or in conjunction with any Chemistry text. For the most benefit use in conjunction with McGraw-Hill's leading text, Chemistry, 9th Edition, by Chang.


Fundamentals of Structural Analysis

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Kenneth Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, Leet Kenneth

Fundamentals of Structural Analysis

Editura: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math

Anul aparitiei: 2010

Fundamentals of Structural Analysis fourth edition, introduces engineering and architectural students to the basic techniques for analyzing the most common structural elements, including beams, trusses, frames, cables, and arches. The text covers the classical methods of analysis for determinate and indeterminate structures, and provides an introduction to the matrix formulation on which computer analysis is based. This edition features an expanded treatment of snow, earthquake, and wind loads that are part of the updated ANSI/ASCE 7 standards. We've also added Historical Notes to this addition that provide valuable insights to the development of today's techniques and practices. Additionally, about 30% of the text's problems are new or heavily revised.


Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training: A

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Daniel Arnheim, Prentice William, William Prentice

Arnheim's Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach

Editura: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua

Anul aparitiei: 2010

This market-leading text emphasizes the prevention and management of athletic injuries and remains the only text to cover all aspects of the profession of athletic training. It is a valuable resource in seeking professional certification. The text provides practical, career-oriented content for students in athletic training, sports medicine, physical education, physical therapy, and coaching.


Student Book B, Fundamentals of English Grammar

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Betty Schrampfer Azar

Student Book B, Fundamentals of English Grammar (Black)

Editura: Pearson PTR Interactive

Anul aparitiei: 2002


Student Solutions Manual for Options, Futures and

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Pearson, John C. Hull

Student Solutions Manual for Options, Futures and Other Derivatives

Editura: Prentice Hall

Anul aparitiei: 2005


Student Activities Manual for Percorsi: L'Italia

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Francesca Italiano, Irene Marchegiani, Cecilia Boggio

Student Activities Manual for Percorsi: L'Italia Attraverso La Lingua E La Cultura

Editura: Prentice Hall

Anul aparitiei: 2007

The Student Activities Manual provides complete coordination with the structure and approach of the "Percorsi "textand offers an ample variety of written and listening activities correlated to the topics and grammar components presented in each of the textbook chapters. The traditional workbook exercises provide meaningful practice of the vocabulary and grammar structures introduced in each chapter, as well as practice in reading comprehension and writing skills. The audio exercises are integrated within each chapter and provide listening practice based on authentic speech and real-life situations. The video activities, also integrated within each chapter, complement the activities in the "Guardiamo" section of the textbook. These exercises offer students the ability to expand their understanding of the plot of the video segments while making connections between their own lives and the lives of the characters.


Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences:

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Mark Dummeldinger, Terry Sincich, William Mendenhall

Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences: Student Solutions Manual

Editura: Pearson Prentice Hall

Anul aparitiei: 2006


Ponto de Encontro, Brazilian Student Activities

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Maria Luci De Biaji Moreira, Clemence M. C. Jouet-Pastre, Anna M. Klobucka

Ponto de Encontro, Brazilian Student Activities Manual: Portuguese as a World Language

Editura: Pearson Prentice Hall

Anul aparitiei: 2007

The organization of the Student Activities Manual (workbook, lab manual, and video manual) follows that of the main text, providing further practice of each chapter's vocabulary and grammatical structures through sentence building and completion exercises, fill-ins, and art- and realia-cued activities. Reading and writing activities include strategies for improving reading and writing skills. The lab section of each chapter is to be used in conjunction with the SAM audio program recordings of varied listening comprehension selections. The recorded passages are followed by comprehension-check activities. The video manual includes activities that test students' comprehension of the video materials and invite them to react to the experiences and opinions expressed by the speakers. A substantial appendix to both SAMs provides additional targeted practice for Spanish-speaking learners of Portuguese.


Brief Review for Global History and Geography

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JR. Fre Pearson

Brief Review for Global History and Geography Student Edition

Editura: Prentice Hall

Anul aparitiei: 2009


Health Science Fundamentals: Exploring Career

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Doreen S. Chesebro, Shirley A. Badasch

Health Science Fundamentals: Exploring Career Pathways

Editura: Prentice Hall

Anul aparitiei: 2009

Provides students with a variety of practice activities that include worksheets, scenarios, activities, and selected check-off sheets designed for both practice and competency assessment. These check-off sheets provided step-by-step instructions to help studnets perform Procedures correctly adn competently. All of these activities will help students successfully learn the skills required for their respective career choices.


Test Prep Guide for Supervision of Police

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Jeff Bernstein

Test Prep Guide for Supervision of Police Personnel

Editura: Prentice Hall

Anul aparitiei: 2008

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