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Allen Eskens (Author)
The Quiet Librarian
Anul aparitiei: 2025
After the murder of her best friend, a librarian's search for answers leads back to her own dark
Darius Brubeck (Author)
Playing the Changes: Jazz at an African University and on the Road
Anul aparitiei: 2024
Catherine and Darius Brubeck's 1983 move to South Africa launched them on a journey that helped
Jeremy Brecher (Author)
The Green New Deal from Below: How Ordinary People Are Building a Just and Climate-Safe Economy
A visionary program for national renewal, the Green New Deal aims to protect the earth's climate
Esha Niyogi de (Author)
Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia
Can we write women's authorial roles into the history of industrial cinema in South Asia? How ca
Patrick Ferrucci (Author)
The Organization of Journalism: Market Models and Practice in a Fraying Profession
New business models have splintered journalists' once-monolithic professional culture. Where the org
Aaron J. Johnson (Author)
Jazz Radio America
Once a lively presence on radio, jazz now finds itself relegated to satellite broadcasters and low-w
Layli Maparyan (Editor)
Womanism Rising
Womanism Rising concludes Layli Maparyan's three-book exploration of womanist studies. The co
Naomi R. Williams (Author)
A Blueprint for Worker Solidarity: Class Politics and Community in Wisconsin
Like many Midwestern factory towns, deindustrialization damaged Racine in the 1970s and 1980s. But t
Samantha Ege (Author)
South Side Impresarios: How Race Women Transformed Chicago's Classical Music Scene
Between the world wars, Chicago Race women nurtured a local yet widely resonant Black classical musi
Tania Lizarazo (Author)
Postconflict Utopias: Everyday Survival in Choc
Black women in the department of Choc
Robert W. Cherny (Author)
The Coit Tower Murals: New Deal Art and Political Controversy in San Francisco
Created in 1934, the Coit Tower murals were sponsored by the Public Works of Art Project (PWAP),
Alexandria Russell (Author)
Black Women Legacies: Public History Sites Seen and Unseen
From Black clubwomen to members of preservation organizations, African American women have made comm
Jennifer Rycenga (Author)
Schooling the Nation: The Success of the Canterbury Academy for Black Women
Founded in 1833 by white teacher Prudence Crandell, Canterbury Academy educated more than two dozen
Desmond Morris
Maimuţa goală
Editura: Art
Anul aparitiei: 2015
Această carte clasică a zoologului Desmond Morris îşi merită locul alături de Originea speciilor a lui Darwin, prezentându-l pe Om nu ca pe un înger căzut, ci ca pe o maimuţă înălţată, care dovedeşte un simţ al umorului, o energie şi o imaginaţie remarcabile, dar care nu este altceva decât un animal aflat în pericolul de a uita de unde a plecat. Cu intuiţiile sale penetrante legate de istoria începuturilor Omului, de viaţa lui sexuală, de obiceiurile lui şi de legăturile sale uimitoare cu lumea animalelor, Maimuţa goală este o carte-jalon deopotrivă provocatoare, incitantă şi durabilă. Maimuţa goală s-a vândut în peste 20 milioane de exemplare în toată lumea şi a fost tradusă în aproape toate limbile cunoscute. O carte care n-ar trebui să-i scape nici unei fiinţe umane animale.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Micul Prinţ
Micul Prinţ este o carte simplă şi profundă în acelaşi timp, o carte care se citeşte cu emoţie şi cu inima deschisă. Omuleţul cu fular auriu venit de pe asteroidul B 612 te îmblânzeşte, te face să zâmbeşti şi te pune pe gânduri. Dacă le spuneţi oamenilor mari: ... «Dovada că micul prinţ a este că era fermecător, că râdea şi voia o oaie. Când vrei o oaie e o dovadă că exişti», o să de din umeri şi-o să spună că astea-s copilării... Aşa sunt ei. Nu trebuie să le-o iei în nume de rău. Copiii să fie foarte îngăduitori cu oamenii mari. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Se spune că o carte renaşte la fiecare traducere. Micul Prinţ merită să se nască măcar odată la fiecare nouă generaţie. Ioana Pârvulescu
Thomas Albert Howard (Author)
Broken Altars: Secularist Violence in Modern History
A sweeping history of the violence perpetrated by governments committed to extreme forms of secul
Susan Owens (Author)
The Story of Drawing: An Alternative History of Art
Drawing is at the heart of human creativity. The most democratic form of art-making, it requires
Magdalena J. Zaborowska (Author)
James Baldwin: The Life Album
An intimate portrait of James Baldwin, offering a new understanding of his life and works as seen
Sasha-Mae Eccleston (Author)
Epic Events: Classics and the Politics of Time in the United States Since 9/11
An analysis of ancient Greek and Roman works alongside contemporary literature, exploring how the
Disney Storybook Artists
Learn to Draw Disney's the Little Mermaid: Learn to Draw Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, Ursula, and Other Favorite Characters Step by Step! ( Licensed Learn to Draw )
Anul aparitiei: 2013
Learning to draw has never been so fun and easy! Now budding artists can dive under the sea to join Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, and other favorite characters on a fun-filled artistic adventure thanks to "Learn to Draw Disney's The Little Mermaid." With the simple-to-follow step-by-step instructions in this beautifully illustrated colorful book, young fans will enjoy learning how to draw Ariel and her friends from the time-cherished classic Disney animated film, "The Little Mermaid. "The book opens by introducing artists to a small selection of essential drawing tools and materials, as well as a range of options for adding color, such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, and paint. Next, artists are directed to warm-up with some quick and easy sketching exercises before moving on to the step-by-step drawing projects. Each drawing lesson begins with a basic shape, such as a circle or an oval; then each step builds upon the last and eventually progresses to a finished final color artwork. Additionally, each new drawing step is shown in blue for a helpful guide so young artists know exactly what to draw next. Along the way, professional Disney artists and illustrators share helpful ...