Carti Litera

Theoretical Implications of Consonant Sequence

Pret: 65.00 RON
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Z. Bar-Lev (Author)

Theoretical Implications of Consonant Sequence Constraints


Anul aparitiei: 1978

Seven constraints on consonant sequences in Israeli Hebrew, which are the modern reflexes of older Semitic constraints, are discussed in relation to three levels: (i ) as Morpheme Structure Conditions imposed on the under lying consonantal root morpheme; (ii) as Surface Phonetic Constraints im posed on the word regardless of morphemic content; (iii) as Morpheme Sensi tive Surface Constraints, which as the name suggests, are placed on words, but are sensitive to morphemic structure and categorization. The third set of constraints has not been seriously considered in the recent litera ture, yet at least some of the seven different constraints must be regarded as morpheme-sensitive. The root level is seen to play little or no role in determining these constraints.


The Madhyama Agama: (middle-Length Discourses),

Pret: 655.00 RON
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Bhikkhu Analayo (Editor)

The Madhyama Agama: (middle-Length Discourses), Volume 1


Anul aparitiei: 2013

The Madhyama Agama or Middle-Length Discourses, belong to the earliest stratum of Buddhist sutra litera- ture. The dialogues between S ́a ̄ kyamuni Buddha and his disciples and followers present the teachings of early Buddhism.


Product Placement in James-Bond-Filmen

Pret: 555.00 RON
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Nadja Tata (Author)

Product Placement in James-Bond-Filmen


Anul aparitiei: 2012

Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Da Filmproduktionen immer teurer werden, ist die Filmindustrie seit lan-gem auf finanzielle oder geldwerte Unterstützung von au en ange-wie-sen. Gleich-zeitig versuchen Unternehmen, sich durch Kommuni-kation von der Konkurrenz abzu-grenzen. Die Schnitt--stelle zwischen Filmpro-duk-tion und Unter-neh-mens-kommuni-kation hei t Product Placement. Die Filmreihe James Bond über den britischen Geheimagenten ist seit dem ersten Film 1962 ein cinematographisches Beispiel für einen Mythos, der Product Placement werbewirksam inszeniert. An keiner anderen Filmreihe lässt sich diese Entwicklung so gut nachvollziehen. Nadja Tata untersucht wir-kungsrelevante Kriterien und schafft damit ein theoretisches Verständnis für Product Placement. Sie illustriert es mit der Praxis in James Bond Fil-men: Zusammen mit den Erlebniswelten, in denen Bond agiert, wird un-tersucht, welche Dienstleistungen und Pro-dukte im Laufe der Jahre plat-ziert wurden. Experteninterviews, Litera-tur- und Internetrecherche sowie zahlreiche Screenshots unterstützen die Darstellung von Chancen und Risiken von Product Placement als Kommunikationsinstrument. Ein Buch für ...


Terrorism and Nationalism

Pret: 555.00 RON
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Ole J. Forsberg (Author)

Terrorism and Nationalism


Anul aparitiei: 2012

Revision with unchanged content. This study seeks to determine which factors affect an ethnonational group's decision to utilize terrorism. Current political theories have proposed several answers, but the theoretical underpinnings of those answers are both dis-parate and weak. Thus, in answering this question, a new model of terro-rism is necessary, one which spans the four primary levels of analysis but grounds it all in the actor: the individual. The book first examines the existing litera-ture concerning the causes of terrorism. These threads are then woven into a single theory-based on the individual-explaining why the known correlates of terrorism increase the chance that an ethnic group will resort to terrorism: The Pressure Model. Several derivative hypotheses are then tested using modern statistical methods, including complementary log-log cross-sectional time-series regression. Finally, the book discusses several recommen-dations from the theory that should inform policy in both inter-national and domestic spheres. Professionals in the field of terrorism policy as well as policymakers, academics, and students interested in the causes of a group's path into terrorism ...


Country of Origin Knowledge

Pret: 635.00 RON
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Peter Hennebichler (Author)

Country of Origin Knowledge


Anul aparitiei: 2012

Revision with unchanged content. The effect of the country of origin of a product is an important influence in consumers' product evaluations and has been studied for more than 40 years. Marketing practice shows that consumers ascribe abilities to certain countries (e.g. "German Engineering", "French Cheese") and use such positive perceptions in the formation of purchase decisions. It becomes, however, more and more difficult for consumers to actually know the correct country of origin of their products and brands. Moreover, as consumers are faced with an extensive amount of information, it is likely that origin information is not always playing an important part in the formulation of the purchase decision. Is "made in" still important for consumers? Do they actually know the origin of their products and brands? This book puts consumers' country of origin knowledge to a test and discusses the importance of origin information in an up-to-date context. The conclusions drawn in this book are significant for marketing scholars and professionals as well as students interested in international marketing. The book also serves as a solid litera-ture review and offers a framework for future ...


The Political Economy of the Music Industry

Pret: 555.00 RON
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Trajce Cvetkovski (Author)

The Political Economy of the Music Industry


Anul aparitiei: 2012

Revision with unchanged content. Major firms currently control over 80% of global sound carrier and publishing revenue in the popular music industry. The aim is to explain the disorganising effects currently being experienced. The central question guiding this investigation asks: what will be the effect of new technologies on the future organisation of the music industry? Focus is broadly on recent universally accessible digital technologies which have raised questions about the future of the industry's current organisational structure and processes both in terms of input (creation of music products in their commodified form) and output (access and consumption of music products). The industry's processes are complex because they centre around sophisticated management, and aggressive appropriation of intellectual property (namely copyright) for re-pea-ted exploitation for decades after its initial acquisition. The purpose of this book, therefore, is to examine not only the tangible aspects of the manner in which the industry organises its products, but also the intangible dimension. Sig-nificant recent changes experienced by the industry are identified. The litera-ture is not ...



Pret: 555.00 RON
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Anna Feldgun (Author)



Anul aparitiei: 2012

Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Mit der Entwicklung des Internets gewinnt die verschlüsselte Kommunikation mit unbekannten Kommunikationspartnern immer mehr an Bedeutung. Der Schlüssel-austausch bietet eine effiziente Art, die verschlüsselte Kommuni-kation aufzubauen, und vereint die Vorteile der klassischen Verschlüsselung (z.B. die Schnelligkeit) und der Public-Key-Kryptographie (z.B. die anonyme Kommunikation). Die Anwendungen wie E-Commerce oder elektronische Konfe-renzen basieren auf der Kommunikation von drei Personen. Die Autorin Anna Feldgun gibt einen strukturierten Einblick in den tripartiten Schlüssel-austausch, der in der kryptographischen Forschung noch ein relatives Neu-land darstellt. Sie stellt ausgewählte Schlüsselaustauschprotokolle aus der Litera-tur vor und entwickelt eigene. Sie führt eine eingehende Analyse der Angreif-barkeit dieser Protokolle mit den bereits bekannten sowie mit den von ihr modifizierten kryptographischen Attacken vor. Eine übersichtliche Dar-stellung der Ergebnisse wird durch die Matrixform sichergestellt. Das Buch richtet sich an Informatikstudenten, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, alle in der Branche IT-Sicherheit Tätige ...


Rasputins Erz

Pret: 466.00 RON
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Andreas Scholz (Author)

Rasputins Erz


Anul aparitiei: 2012

Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Die russische Dorfprosa gehört zu den bedeutendsten Erscheinungen der Sowjetliteratur, da sie sich nicht an die Vorgaben des sozialistischen Rea-lismus hielt. Ihre Stärke bestand in der Rückbesinnung auf alte traditionelle Werte auf dem russischen Dorf. Einer der wichtigsten Vertreter dieser Litera-turrichtung ist Valentin G. Rasputin, dessen Werke in die Weltliteratur einge-gangen sind. Der Autor Andreas Scholz untersucht in der vorliegenden Arbeit die beiden Erzählungen von Rasputin im Hinblick auf die schon seit langem existierende Vermutung, dass es sich dabei um Folgetexte handelt. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Thematik geht der Autor der Frage nach der Entstehung der Dorfprosa als Folge der Tauwetterperiode nach. Anschlie end stellt er Rasputin als Vertreter der Dorfprosa vor. Darauf aufbauend folgt die Untersuchung der beiden Erzählungen als Folgetexte auf den verschiedenen Textebenen. Dabei fasst er nicht nur umfassend die existierende Sekundär-literatur zusammen, sondern erweitert diese durch viele eigene innovative Erkenntnisse. Das Buch richtet sich an Literaturwissenschaftler, Slawisten, Studenten und alle, die sich ...


Eine Wende des Erinnerns?

Pret: 466.00 RON
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Stephan Rau (Author)

Eine Wende des Erinnerns?


Anul aparitiei: 2012

Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Texten der deutschen Litera-tur im Hinblick auf die Frage: Wie wird die nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit in den Texten verarbeitet? Welches sind die thematischen Schwer-punkte der Texte und welcher narrativer Formen bedienen sie sich? Vor dem Hintergrund der Analyse wird eine "Wende des Erinnerns" diagnostiziert.


A commentary on the Bible

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Arthur S. Peake (Editor)

A commentary on the Bible

Editura: ALPHA ED

Anul aparitiei: 2020

This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to litera


Biblical commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon

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Franz Delitzsch (Author)

Biblical commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon (Volume II)

Editura: ALPHA ED

Anul aparitiei: 2020

This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to litera


Children and Work: Study of Socialization

Pret: 521.00 RON
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Bernard Goldstein (Editor)

Children and Work: Study of Socialization


Anul aparitiei: 2020

What do children know about work, careers, and related topics? What is the pattern of growth in values, attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge? Using quantitative and anecdotal evidence gathered from interviewing over 900 grade-school students in five New Jersey communities, the authors analyze childhood socialization to the concept of work.Existing literature on this topic focuses on the critical years of oc-cupational choice. But Goldstein and Oldham strongly suggest that much of the child's work-related development has already occurred prior to entry into secondary school, and that "career educa-tion" must receive increased em-phasis during the elementary years. Their evidence corroborates the pattern of rapid progress to-ward childhood awareness of im-portant social phenomena such as war, politics, race, gender roles, and economics. By the seventh grade, children have an awareness in these areas that approximates that of adults. Traditional stereo-types concerning appropriate work roles for women continue to exist at the elementary school level.This work is a comprehensive, empirical treatment of childhood socialization to work, fitting neat-ly into the growing body of litera-ture ...


The Davinci Code

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Unknown (Author)

The Davinci Code

Editura: ALPHA ED

Anul aparitiei: 2020

This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to litera


The History Of Wigan (Volume II)

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David Sinclair (Author)

The History Of Wigan (Volume II)

Editura: ALPHA ED

Anul aparitiei: 2020

This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to litera


The Tilson Genealogy, From Edmond Tilson At

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Mercer V. Tilson (Author)

The Tilson Genealogy, From Edmond Tilson At Plymouth, N.E., 1638 To 1911; With Brief Sketches Of The Family In England Back To 1066. Also Brief Accoun

Editura: ALPHA ED

Anul aparitiei: 2020

This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to litera


Beautiful Little Fools

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Jillian Cantor (Author)

Beautiful Little Fools


Anul aparitiei: 2022

USA Today bestselling author Jillian Cantor reimagines and expands on the litera



Pret: 357.00 RON
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Joachim Valentin (Author)



Anul aparitiei: 2013

Eine Zeit lang schien es, als seien die letzten Dinge (Eschata), Gericht, Fegefeuer, Himmel und Hölle, ganz aus der gegenwärtigen Theologie verschwunden. Dabei waren sie nur in Film, Literatur und Endzeitkirchen ausgewandert, feierten dort aber, im Raum des Nicht-Reflexiven, fröhliche Urständ. Ausgehend von der Gegenwart sucht das Buch archäologisch die zerfaserten Stränge dessen zu entwirren, was einmal kurz vor der Zeit Jesu im spätjüdischen Palästina zur litera-rischen Form Apokalyptik gerann. Beim Abtragen der ideen-politischen Schichten in Postmoderne, Neuzeit und Mittel-alter greifen medien- und literaturwissenschaftliche, philosophische und theologische Methoden ineinander. Im Hintergrund wirkt die Annahme, der Mensch sei im Rahmen einer fiktionalen Anthropologie adäquat beschreibbar. Gerade dort, wo wissenschaftliches Erklären nicht hinreicht, in die Sphäre jenseits von Geburt und Tod eben, erfüllt die Einbildungskraft eine unvertretbare Aufgabe der Welterschlie ung.


Mr. Cavendish, I Presume Lib/E

Pret: 373.00 RON
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Julia Quinn (Author)

Mr. Cavendish, I Presume Lib/E


Anul aparitiei: 2022

Amelia Willoughby has been engaged to the Duke of Wyndham for as long as she can remember. Litera


Cyclopadia Bibliographica: A Library Manual of

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James Darling (Author)

Cyclopadia Bibliographica: A Library Manual of Theological and General Literature, and Guide to Books for Autors, Preachers, Students, and Litera

Editura: ARKOSE PR

Anul aparitiei: 2015

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge


The Book of Days, a Miscellany of Popular

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Robert Chambers (Author)

The Book of Days, a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar, Including Anecdote, Biography, & History, Curiosities of Litera

Editura: ARKOSE PR

Anul aparitiei: 2015

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge

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