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The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving Beyond

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Alfie Kohn

The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and "Tougher Standards"

Editura: Mariner Books

Anul aparitiei: 2000

In this provocative and well-researched book, Alfie Kohn builds a powerful argument against "teaching to the test" in favor of more child-centered curriculums to raise lifelong learners. Drawing on stories from real classrooms and extensive research, Kohn shows parents, educators, and others how schools can help students explore ideas rather than just fill them with forgettable facts and prepare them for standardized tests. Here, at last, is a book that challenges the two dominant forces in American education: an aggressive nostalgia for traditional teaching ("If it was bad enough for me, it's bad enough for my kids") and a heavy-handed push for "tougher standards."


Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad

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Alfie Kohn

Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing

Editura: Da Capo Lifelong Books

Anul aparitiei: 2007

Death and taxes come later; what seems inevitable for children is the idea that, after spending the day at school, they must then complete more academic assignments at home. The predictable results: stress and conflict, frustration and exhaustion. Parents respond by reassuring themselves that at least the benefits outweigh the costs. But what if they don't? In The Homework Myth, nationally known educator and parenting expert Alfie Kohn systematically examines the usual defenses of homework--that it promotes higher achievement, "reinforces" learning, and teaches study skills and responsibility. None of these assumptions, he shows, actually passes the test of research, logic, or experience. So why do we continue to administer this modern cod liver oil -- or even demand a larger dose? Kohn's incisive analysis reveals how a mistrust of children, a set of misconceptions about learning, and a misguided focus on competitiveness have all left our kids with less free time and our families with more conflict. Pointing to parents who have fought back -- and schools that have proved educational excellence is possible without homework -- Kohn shows how we can rethink what happens during and ...


What to Look for in a Classroom: And Other Essays

Pret: 169.00 RON
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Kohn, Alfie Kohn

What to Look for in a Classroom: And Other Essays

Editura: Jossey-Bass

Anul aparitiei: 2000

"Alfie Kohn has a knack for bursting the bubbles that surround just about every school topic imaginable, from putting kids into uniforms to make them behave better to raising kids' self-esteem by rewarding them with stickers and pizza for reading books and doing homework. This collection of previously published essays reminds us that many schools have veered off course in their day-to-day business. And it's a primer that, if taken seriously, can put schools back on the right track." --Educational LeadershipThrough his writings and speeches, Alfie Kohn has been stirring up controversy for years, demonstrating how the conventional wisdom about education often isn't supported by the available research, and illuminating gaps between our long-term goals for students and what actually goes on in schools. Now What to Look for in a Classroom brings together his most popular articles from Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, and Education Week--and also from The Atlantic Monthly, the Boston Globe, and other publications. From self-esteem to school uniforms, from grade inflation to character education, Kohn raises a series of provocative questions about the status quo in this ...


Feel-Bad Education: And Other Contrarian Essays on

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Alfie Kohn

Feel-Bad Education: And Other Contrarian Essays on Children and Schooling

Editura: Beacon Press

Anul aparitiei: 2011

Mind-opening writing on what kids need from school, from one of education's most outspoken voices Arguing that our schools are currently in the grip of a "cult of rigor"--a confusion of harder with better that threatens to banish both joy and meaningful intellectual inquiry from our classrooms--Alfie Kohn issues a stirring call to rethink our priorities and reconsider our practices. Kohn's latest wide-ranging collection of writings will add to his reputation as one of the most incisive thinkers in the field, who questions the assumptions too often taken for granted in discussions about education and human behavior. In nineteen recently published essays--and in a substantive introduction, new for this volume--Kohn repeatedly invites us to think more deeply about the conventional wisdom. Is self-discipline always desirable? he asks, citing surprising evidence to the contrary. Does academic cheating necessarily indicate a moral failing? Might inspirational posters commonly found on school walls ("Reach for the stars!") reflect disturbing assumptions about children? Could the use of rubrics for evaluating student learning prove counterproductive? Subjecting young children to ...


What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated?: And More

Pret: 129.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn

What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated?: And More Essays on Standards, Grading, and Other Follies

Editura: Beacon Press

Anul aparitiei: 2004

Few writers ask us to question our fundamental assumptions about education as provocatively as Alfie Kohn. Time magazine has called him'perhaps the country's most outspoken critic of education's fixation on grades [and] test scores.' And the Washington Post says he is 'the most energetic and charismatic figure standing in the way of a major federal effort to make standardized curriculums and tests a fact of life in every U.S. school.' In this new collection of essays, Kohn takes on some of the most important and controversial topics in education of the last few years. His central focus is on the real goals of education-a topic, he argues, that we systematically ignore while lavishing attention on misguided models of learning and counterproductive techniques of motivation. The shift to talking about goals yields radical conclusions and wonderfully pungent essays that only Alfie Kohn could have written. From the title essay's challenge to conventional, conservative definitions of a good education to essays on standards and testing and grades that tally the severe educational costs of overemphasizing a narrow conception of achievement, Kohn boldly builds on his earlier work and writes ...


Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community

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Alfie Kohn

Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community

Editura: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Deve

Anul aparitiei: 2006

What is most remarkable about the assortment of discipline programs on the market today is the number of fundamental assumptions they seem to share. Some may advocate the use of carrots rather than sticks; some may refer to punishments as "logical consequences." But virtually all take for granted that the teacher must be in control of the classroom, and that what we need are strategies to get students to comply with the adult's expectations.Alfie Kohn challenged these widely accepted premises, and with them the very idea of classroom "management," when the original edition of Beyond Discipline was published in 1996. Since then, his path-breaking book has invited hundreds of thousands of educators to question the assumption that problems in the classroom are always the fault of students who don't do what they're told; instead, it may be necessary to reconsider what it is that they've been told to do--or to learn. Kohn shows how a fundamentally cynical view of children underlies the belief that we must tell them exactly how we expect them to behave and then offer "positive reinforcement" when they obey.Just as memorizing someone else's right answers fails to promote students' ...


No Contest: The Case Against Competition

Pret: 145.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn, Kohn

No Contest: The Case Against Competition

Editura: Mariner Books

Anul aparitiei: 1992

No Contest stands as the definitive critique of competition. Contrary to accepted wisdom, competition is not basic to human nature; it poisons our relationships and holds us back from doing our best. In this new edition, Alfie Kohn argues that the race to win turns all of us into losers.


Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars,

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Alfie Kohn

Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A'S, Praise, and Other Bribes

Editura: Mariner Books

Anul aparitiei: 1999

A landmark psychological critique of basic motivational strategy, this book attacks the strategy of dangling incentives in front of people to affect their behavior.


Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and

Pret: 122.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn

Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason

Editura: Atria Books

Anul aparitiei: 2006

A groundbreaking approach to parenting by nationally-respected educator Alfie Kohn that gives parents "powerful alternatives to help children become their most caring, responsible selves" (Adele Faber, New York Times bestselling author) by switching the dynamic from doing things to children to working with them in order to understand their needs and how to meet them. Most parenting guides begin with the question "How can we get kids to do what they're told?" and then proceed to offer various techniques for controlling them. In this truly groundbreaking book, nationally respected educator Alfie Kohn begins instead by asking, "What do kids need--and how can we meet those needs?" What follows from that question are ideas for working with children rather than doing things to them. One basic need all children have, Kohn argues, is to be loved unconditionally, to know that they will be accepted even if they screw up or fall short. Yet conventional approaches to parenting such as punishments (including "time-outs"), rewards (including positive reinforcement), and other forms of control teach children that they are loved only when they please us or impress us. Kohn cites a body of ...


The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the

Pret: 228.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn (Author)

The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools


Anul aparitiei: 2000

Our students are tested to an extent that is unprecedented in American history and unparalleled anywhere in the world. Politicians and businesspeople, determined to get tough with students and teachers, have increased the pressure to raise standardized test scores. Unfortunately, the effort to do so typically comes at the expense of more meaningful forms of learning. That disturbing conclusion emerges from Alfie Kohn's devastating new indictment of standardized testing. Drawing from the latest research, he concisely explains just how little test results really tell us and just how harmful a test-driven curriculum can be. Written in a highly readable question-and-answer format, The Case Against Standardized Testing will help readers respond to common questions and challenges-showing, for example, that: high scores often signify relatively superficial thinking many of the leading tests were never intended to measure teaching or learning a school that improves its test results may well have lowered its standards to do so far from helping to "close the gap," the use of standardized testing is most damaging for low-income and minority students as much as 90 percent of the variations ...


The Brighter Side of Human Nature: Altruism

Pret: 224.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn (Author)

The Brighter Side of Human Nature: Altruism Empathy in Everyday Life


Anul aparitiei: 1992

Drawing from hundreds of studies in half a dozen fields, The Brighter Side of Human Nature makes a powerful case that caring and generosity are just as natural as selfishness and aggression. This lively refutation of cynical assumptions about our species considers the nature of empathy and the causes of war, why we (incorrectly) explain all behavior in terms of self-interest, and how we can teach children to care.


Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and

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Alfie Kohn (Author)

Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason


Anul aparitiei: 2011


The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a

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Alfie Kohn (Author)

The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing


Anul aparitiei: 2010


Parenting neconditionat

Pret: 39.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn

Parenting neconditionat

Anul aparitiei: 2014

Una din nevoile de baza ale unui copil, conform argumentarii lui Kohn, este cea de iubire neconditionata, de a sti ca va fi acceptat, chiar daca o da in bara sau nu se ridica la inaltimea asteptarilor. Cu toate acestea, abordarile conventionale in materie de crestere a copiilor, ca pedepsele (inclusiv time-out-urile), recompensele (inclusiv stimularea pozitiva) sau alte forme de control, ii invata pe copii ca sunt iubiti doar cand ne fac pe plac sau ne impresioneaza. Kohn face referinta la o suma de studii solide, dar in mare parte putin cunoscute, care detaliaza cat de daunator este sa le dam copiilor de inteles ca trebuie sa ne castige aprobarea. Acesta este mesajul pe care il primesc copiii de pe urma tehnicilor de disciplinare clasice, desi nu este cel pe care majoritatea parintilor doresc sa il transmita. Fiind insa mai presus decat doar o alta carte despre disciplina, Parenting neconditionat aduce in discutie modurile in care parintii se comporta cu copiii lor. Acest volum le propune parintilor sa puna sub semnul intrebarii chiar si premisele fundamentale la care se raporteaza in cresterea copiilor, oferindu-le in acelasi timp o gama vasta de strategii practice pentru a ...


Pedepsiți prin recompense

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Alfie Kohn

Pedepsiți prin recompense

Anul aparitiei: 2014

Strategia noastră fundamentală pentru creșterea copiilor, procesul de învățare al elevilor și conducerea angajaților se poate rezuma în doar cinci cuvinte: Fă așa și primești asta. Ademenim oamenii cu o bucată de zăhărel (de la dulciuri până la comisioanele din vânzări) într-un mod foarte similar celui în care am dresa un animal de casă. În această carte deschizătoare de drumuri, Alfie Kohn ne arată că, deși manipularea prin stimulente a oamenilor pare să aibă succes pe termen scurt, aceasta reprezintă o strategie care până la urmă eșuează, iar efectele sale nocive persistă un timp îndelungat. Locurile noastre de muncă și sălile de clasă vor continua să decadă, argumentează autorul, până când vom pune sub semnul întrebării încrederea noastră într-o teorie a motivației derivată din experimente făcute pe animale de laborator. Extrăgând informații din sute de studii, Kohn demonstrează că oamenii chiar au rezultate mai slabe atunci când sunt momiți cu bani, note sau alte stimulente. Dacă le promitem bunuri copiilor pentru a se comporta cum se cuvine, nu obținem nimic mai mult decât o obediență temporară. Cu cât ...


No Contest: The Case Against Competition

Pret: 211.00 RON
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Alfie, Etc Kohn (Author)

No Contest: The Case Against Competition


Anul aparitiei: 1992

No Contest stands as the definitive critique of competition. Contrary to accepted wisdom, competition is not basic to human nature; it poisons our relationships and holds us back from doing our best. In this new edition, Alfie Kohn argues that the race to win turns all of us into losers.


The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Challenging the

Pret: 164.00 RON
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Alfie, Etc Kohn (Author)

The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom about Children and Parenting

Editura: DA CAPO PR

Anul aparitiei: 2014

Somehow, a set of deeply conservative assumptions about children -- what they're like and how they should be raised -- have congealed into the conventional wisdom in our society. Parents are accused of being both permissive and overprotective, unwilling to set limits and afraid to let their kids fail. Young people, meanwhile, are routinely described as entitled and narcissistic . . . among other unflattering adjectives. In The Myth of the Spoiled Child, Alfie Kohn systematically debunks these beliefs -- not only challenging erroneous factual claims but also exposing the troubling ideology that underlies them. Complaints about pushover parents and coddled kids are hardly new, he shows, and there is no evidence that either phenomenon is especially widespread today -- let alone more common than in previous generations. Moreover, new research reveals that helicopter parenting is quite rare and, surprisingly, may do more good than harm when it does occur. The major threat to healthy child development, John argues, is posed by parenting that is too controlling rather than too indulgent. With the same lively, contrarian style that marked his influential books about rewards, competition, ...


The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Challenging the

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Alfie, Etc Kohn (Author)

The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom about Children and Parenting

Editura: DA CAPO PR

Anul aparitiei: 2016

Parenting and education expert Alfie Kohn tackles the misconception that overparenting and overindulgence has produced a modern generation of entitled children incapable of making their way in the world. Page dim. Weight: 586 grams


Mitul temei pentru acasa - De ce copiii nostri

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Alfie Kohn

Mitul temei pentru acasa - De ce copiii nostri primesc prea multe sarcini inutile

Mitul temei pentru acasă este o analiză incisivă a unei practici atât de larg răspândite încât pierdem din vedere, deseori, adevăratul rol al educației, dar și propria capacitate de a raționa și de a ne îndoi. Autorul atrage atenția asupra dezavantajelor pe care le pot avea temele: subminarea gândirii critice în favoarea memorării mecanice și a atitudinii submisive, erodarea relațiilor în familie, dispariția timpului liber, subminarea independenței copilului și a încrederii adulților față de acesta. Kohn propune un alt mod de a aborda procesul de învățare, atât cel școlar cât și cel petrecut acasă, care să respecte atât dragostea naturală de învățătură a copiilor noștri, cât și importanța relației din cadrul familiei.” Elena Irimia „Kohn preia multe dintre convingerile împământenite despre temele pentru acasă și le demontează, demonstrându-ne iar și iar cât de puține cercetări stau în realitate la baza tuturor acestor teorii validate drept adevăruri. Autorul aruncă umbra îndoielii asupra convingerilor generale conform cărora temele pentru acasă contribuie la performanțele școlare, la îmbunătățirea ...


The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Coddled Kids,

Pret: 133.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn (Author)

The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Coddled Kids, Helicopter Parents, and Other Phony Crises


Anul aparitiei: 2016

A prominent and esteemed critic challenges widely held beliefs about children and parenting, revealing that underlying each myth is a deeply conservative ideology that is, ironically, often adopted by liberal parents. Somehow a set of deeply conservative assumptions about children--what they're like and how they should be raised--has congealed into the conventional wisdom in our society. Parents are accused of being both permissive and overprotective, unwilling to set limits and afraid to let their kids fail. Alfie Kohn systematically debunks these beliefs, not only challenging erroneous factual claims but also exposing the troubling ideology that underlies them. Complaints about pushover parents and coddled kids are hardly new, he shows, and there is no evidence that either phenomenon is especially widespread today--let alone more common than in previous generations. Moreover, new research reveals that helicopter parenting is quite rare and, surprisingly, may do more good than harm when it does occur. The major threat to healthy child development, Kohn argues, is parenting that is too controlling rather than too indulgent. With the same lively, contrarian style that marked his ...

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