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Great Historians from Antiquity to 1800: An

Pret: 751.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Editor)

Great Historians from Antiquity to 1800: An International Dictionary


Anul aparitiei: 1989

A biographical dictionary in the field of historiography, this volume consists of brief articles on the life and work of 600 historians from all over the world. The introduction by Boia traces the evolution of the field. Entries are arranged alphabetically by country or geographic area, and include brief bibliographies. Reference & Research Book News The result of an extensive international collaboration between scholars and researchers, this volume is the first biographical dictionary in the field of the history of historiography ever published. The work includes brief articles on the life and work of 600 historians from all over the world, from the beginnings of historiography to 1800. The historians covered include both those of international renown and those whose focus and reputation are national. Boia's introductory essay traces the evolution of historiography from its beginnings in antiquity around 3000 B.C. through the end of the eighteenth century when history began to be professionalized. Entries are arranged alphabetically by country or geographic area. Each entry includes a brief bibliography for the convenience of readers wishing to consult additional sources. An index ...


Great Historians of the Modern Age: An

Pret: 751.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Great Historians of the Modern Age: An International Dictionary


Anul aparitiei: 1991

This book, an international collaboration sponsored by the Commission on the History of Historiography, is devoted to historians of the 19th and 20th centuries. Offering dictionary entries for historians from more than 35 countries, the editors have sought to illustrate specific domains of history and focus on those scholars who were important to particular cultures and histories. Consultants from each area suggested historians for inclusion, thus providing a unique national perspective. The volume begins with an explanatory preface and a detailed introduction to the time period covered. The entries are then arranged by national or geographical areas, and alphabetized within each regional section. As a general rule, the editors have excluded living historians from the dictionary. Cross references are indicated within the text for those individuals who are also the subjects of separate entries, and the editors have provided both an index of historians and a general subject index. English translations of books and articles in non-Western languages are also cited. This book will be an important reference source for studies in world history and historiography, as well as a significant ...


History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness

Pret: 442.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness


Anul aparitiei: 2000

Boia closely examines the process of historical culture and conscience in nineteenth and twentieth century Romania, particularly concentrating on the impact of the national ideology on history. Based upon his findings, the author identifies several key mythical configurations and analyses the manner in which Romanians have reconstituted their own highly ideologized history over the last two centuries.


History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness

Pret: 259.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness


Anul aparitiei: 2001

There is a considerable difference between real history and discourse history - this book stems from this idea. The author points out that history is constantly reconstructed, adapted and sometimes mythified from the perspective of the present day, of present states of mind and ideologies. Boia closely examines the process of historical culture and conscience in nineteenth and twentieth century Romania, particularly concentrating on the impact of the national ideology on history. Based upon his findings, the author identifies several key mythical configurations and analyses the manner in which Romanians have reconstituted their own highly ideologized history over the last two centuries. The strength of History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness lies in the author's ability to fully deconstruct the entire Romanian historiographic system and demonstrate the increasing acuteness of national problems in general, and in particular the exploitation of history to support national ideology.


La Roumanie: Un Pays a la Frontiere de L'Europe

Pret: 263.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

La Roumanie: Un Pays a la Frontiere de L'Europe


Anul aparitiei: 2003

A premiere vue, la Roumanie est un pays deroutant. Peuple latin, mais dont la langue a evolue independamment des autres membres de la famille romane, englobant de nombreux elements slaves et orientaux. Mosaique de regions, chacune avec son histoire, qui ont fini par se fondre dans une nation. Une permanente condition de frontiere, en marge des grands ensembles politiques et de civilisation du continent. Attitudes contrastees de repli sur soi et d'ouverture vers les autres. Une societe preponderement paysanne brisee par le communisme et reconstruite sur un autre plan. Reapprentissage difficile de la democratie et de l'economie de marche, et une marche lente, mais effective vers l'integration europeenne... Le lecteur francais devra aussi se rappeler que ce pays a ete et reste un des plus francophones et francophiles de l'Europe. Ce n'est pas par hasard que Bucarest a ete surnomme le &ldquo petit Paris &rdquo. Lucian Boia, qui a inaugure un courant novateur dans l'historiographie contemporaine, nous donne ici la premiere veritable histoire de la Roumanie et nous explique pourquoi la Roumanie est ce qu'elle est, c'est-a-dire un pays si different des autres. Professeur d'histoire a ...


L'Homme Face Au Climat: L'Imaginaire de La Pluie

Pret: 220.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

L'Homme Face Au Climat: L'Imaginaire de La Pluie Et Du Beau Temps


Anul aparitiei: 2004

Encore un ouvrage sur le climat? Oui, mais d'une facture tres differente de tout ce qu'on a pu ecrire jusqu'ici sur ce sujet. C'est en effet la premiere fois qu'un historien se penche sur l'ensemble des theories, des scenarios et des psychoses climatiques, de l'Antiquite a nos jours, afin de decrypter le mecanisme mental et ideologique de ces constructions et attitudes.Le psychodrame du climat ne commence pas avec le rechauffement global celui-ci n'est que la manifestation la plus recente d'une histoire longue et riche en rebondissements. D'un siecle a l'autre, on a presque tout explique et justifie par le climat: la diversite des hommes et des civilisations, la marche de l'histoire, les accidents de parcours, les " fins du monde ". Le Deluge prefigure deja les effets presumes de l'actuel rechauffement de la planete.Pour Lucian Boia, il ne s'agit ni d'infirmer ni de valider telle ou telle theorie, telle ou telle prediction. Il veut simplement montrer que, independamment de toute verite objective, c'est l'esprit humain qui mene le jeu: les penchants quasi permanents de l'imaginaire, les ideologies, les mentalites... Par ses multiples reconstitutions du passe et de l'avenir ...


Jules Verne: Les Paradoxes D'Un Mythe

Pret: 252.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Jules Verne: Les Paradoxes D'Un Mythe


Anul aparitiei: 2005

Longtemps percu comme vulgarisateur et auteur de romans destines a la jeunesse, Jules Verne est devenu un ecrivain a part entiere et plus que cela, un veritable mythe, tiraille entre des interpretations contradictoires. Pionnier de la technologie moderne (les Americains auraient repris sa recette pour aller sur la lune) ou porteur d'un message mythologique et religieux? Progressiste ou traditionaliste? Optimiste ou pessimiste? De droite ou de gauche? Raciste et antisemite ou absolument respectueux de toutes les cultures? Jusqu'a ses penchants sexuels sur lesquels le desaccord regne: misogynie, tendances homosexuelles, liaisons feminines?Specialiste du decryptage des constructions imaginaires, Lucian Boia entend eclairer la formule spirituelle de l'ecrivain et sa maniere, bien a lui, de concevoir ses fictions. Le lecteur aura des surprises: le prophete de l'avenir se presente comme un conservateur, et l'allure theatrale et ironique de l'oeuvre laisse peu de substance a son cote " scientifique ". Si l'evasion et l'isolement semblent bien definir les tentations les plus fortes de l'homme et de l'ecrivain, l'ampleur des interventions " exterieures " se revele non moins surprenante: ...


Quand Les Centenaires Seront Jeunes

Pret: 263.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Quand Les Centenaires Seront Jeunes


Anul aparitiei: 2006

English summary: Young and in good health-at 100, 150, and even 200 years of age-as the pace of history keeps accelerating, what we envision of our future promises both the best and the worst. The Earth may soon be uninhabitable, or Man may be destined to become "almost" immortal, as our life expectancy has increased tremendously over the last century. Could this progress be heralding a biological revolution ?Historian of the imaginary Lucian Boia has penned numerous works (published in English by Reaktion Books) exploring the ideas and mythologies that have marked humanity's development. French description: Jeunes et en bonne sante: a cent ans, a cent cinquante, a deux cents ans... L'histoire s'accelere et l'imaginaire de l'avenir promet a la fois le meilleur et le pire. Demain la Terre sera invivable (le rechauffement global) ou verra par contre l'epanouissement biologique de l'homme, destine a devenir presque immortel. Un arsenal scientifique et technologique impressionnant est mis au service d'un projet qui hante l'humanite depuis l'Antiquite et qui s'est deja exprime par un riche eventail de solutions. En Chine, les taoistes misaient sur les vertus d'une bonne respiration et ...


L'Occident.: Une Interpretation Historique

Pret: 268.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

L'Occident.: Une Interpretation Historique


Anul aparitiei: 2007

Il y a mille ans, la civilisation occidentale naissait de l'anarchie provoquee par la chute de l'Empire romain d'Occident. Quelles chances avait ce monde frustre de paysans et de guerriers, loin de l'eclat raffine de la Chine et de Byzance? Apparemment, aucune. L'Occident pauvre et grossier a pourtant conquis le monde, invente la technologie et change le destin de l'humanite. Lucian Boia raconte les raisons multiples, fortuites et parfois incongrues d'un triomphe inespere, de l'amenagement agraire a la philosophie chretienne et au mythe du Progres. La grande originalite du modele occidental? Privilegier le changement et le perfectionnement. Des les premieres innovations technologiques du Moyen-Acircge, en passant par les grandes decouvertes et la Revolution industrielle, et jusqu'a l'actuelle mondialisation, l'Occident n'a pas cesse de diversifier, synthetiser et accelerer ses propres composants, reunissant l'interet et l'ideal, l'esperance et le desespoir, le mepris de l'autre et l'affirmation de la dignite humaine. De ces contradictions est ne le monde ou nous vivons. On doit deja a Lucian Boia, historien de l'imaginaire, une serie d'investigations sur les idees et les ...


Napoleon III: Le Mal-Aime

Pret: 293.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Napoleon III: Le Mal-Aime


Anul aparitiei: 2008

English summary: Two hundred years ago, in the night of 20 to 21 April 1808, Louis-Napoleon-the future Napoleon III-was born. The life and legacy of this French emperor still puzzle us: worshipped by some and despised by others, he managed the impossible: to become both the first President of the French Republic and its last monarch. This uncompromising and historically accurate book reveals the multiple facets of this "unloved" figure who propelled France into the modern age from the perspective of the various reconstructions offered by historians. This book is not a biography; its aim is to enable readers to reflect upon the career of a personality who divided the French people and still stirs debate among historians in their attempts to interpret who this "great man" really was. French description: Dans la nuit du 20 au 21 avril 1808, naissait Louis-Napoleon, futur Napoleon III. De cet homme au destin crepusculaire, la posterite a fait un symbole equivoque, associe a la fois a l'emergence de la France moderne, au coup d'Etat contre la Republique et au desastre de 1870. Qualifie a son epoque de petit par le grand Victor Hugo, le souverain n'a pas reussi a gagner les c&oeligurs de ...


Hegemonie Ou Declin de La France ?: La Fabrication

Pret: 293.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Hegemonie Ou Declin de La France ?: La Fabrication D'Un Mythe National

Editura: ARE

Anul aparitiei: 2009

La France decline, la France sombre, la France se releve, la France montre le chemin: ou est la verite dans ces figures contrastees de l'imaginaire francais? Alarmistes ou nostalgiques, les metaphores abondent pour decrire la France qui tombe . Pourtant les chiffres qui rendraient objectifs la splendeur d'hier et le declin d'aujourd'hui ne sont pas si probants. La France de jadis, qui se croyait puissante, etait un pays moyennement developpe, perclus d'archaismes, tandis que la France contemporaine est une nation performante, a la technologie remarquable, a l'esperance de vie parmi les plus elevees. Comment se sont formes ces mythes, celui du declin actuel et de l'hegemonie passee, qui incitent periodiquement a la quete d'un Sauveur, de Napoleon III a de Gaulle, et du general de Gaulle a Nicolas Sarkozy? Sans complaisance et sans volonte de forcer l'histoire pour lui donner un sens, Lucian Boia jette un regard impartial sur les debats d'historiens et etudie de pres la place du pays dans la hierarchie europeenne et mondiale, de l'Ancien Regime a la Ve Republique.


Les Pieges de L'Histoire: L'Elite Intellectuelle

Pret: 272.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Les Pieges de L'Histoire: L'Elite Intellectuelle Roumaine (1930-1950)

Editura: ARE

Anul aparitiei: 2013

English summary: Lucien Boias nuanced study of countless sources sheds much needed light on Romanian intellectual society during one of its most troubling times. Boia examines the question faced by the intellectual elite as they traversed a world war and several regime changes, comparing the intransigence of some with the acquiescence of others, balancing our understanding of these men trapped by History. French description: Le comportement public des intellectuels roumains de tous bords, au cours du XXe siecle, a fait l'objet de nombreux ouvrages, en France comme a l'etranger. Mais, pour la plupart, ces travaux n'evitaient pas l'ecueil du jugement moral et de la bien-pensance, et la qualite des preuves invoquees n'etait guere a la hauteur de la taille et de la complexite du dossier. Certes, les intellectuels se doivent d'adopter une attitude exemplaire. Mais lorsque, entre 1930 et 1950, ils doivent traverser, avec toute la societe roumaine, plusieurs changements de regimes et une guerre mondiale, la sagesse impose de se pencher d'abord sur la nature humaine, dans tous ses meandres et ses nuances sans nombre. Il etait necessaire d'entendre sur ces evenements le recit plein de ...


Pour Une Histoire de L'Imaginaire

Pret: 96.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Pour Une Histoire de L'Imaginaire


Anul aparitiei: 1999

This fascinating book draws it subject matter from a range of relevant disciplines that extend from


The Weather in the Imagination

Pret: 246.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

The Weather in the Imagination


Anul aparitiei: 2005

Why is the Weather Channel one of the top ranked cable networks? Why was The Day After Tomorrow a summer blockbuster? The Weather in the Imagination seeks to answer these and other questions about our fascination with the weather, as Lucian Boia offers an intriguing analysis of the theories, scenarios, and psychoses caused by climate. Boia here examines the cultural influence of weather through the lens of anthropology and psychology, history, and catastrophe. He first investigates how human diversity is linked to weather and why people differ according to their native climates. He then looks at how climate can explain the dynamics of historical progress and the rise and fall of civilizations, citing how Nazis used it to justify the superiority of the "Aryan" race. And what can destroy or induce panic in a society more effectively than a good climatic jolt? Boia investigates the social upheaval caused by catastrophic weather conditions, citing the most gripping example in human history, the Biblical Flood. The Weather in the Imagination is a thought-provoking chronicle of how humans throughout history have been bewildered, infuriated, and often terrified by the weather. ...


Forever Young: A Cultural History of Longevity

Pret: 246.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Forever Young: A Cultural History of Longevity


Anul aparitiei: 2004

Forever Young offers a wide-ranging survey of the notion of longevity, from antiquity to the present. The author looks at the many manifestations of one of humanity's most powerful dreams: the prolongation of life and youth with immortality as a final objective. Using a variety of sources - religion, folk traditions, science, literature and art - the book shows on the one hand the persistence of the human spirit (the desire for longevity is revealed as an extremely stable archetype throughout history) and on the other, the innovations specific to each period or culture due to the progress of science and differing ideologies and attitudes. Nowadays, prolonging life and youth has become a major goal of society due to a combination of several factors: the spectacular increase in life expectancy; the advances of science and especially genetics; and, finally, the decline of religious belief in life after death, emphasizing the only remaining certainty - corporeal life. The author, a specialist in mythology and imagination, approaches his subject in an accessible and engaging way.


Romania: Borderland of Europe

Pret: 263.00 RON
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Lucian Boia (Author)

Romania: Borderland of Europe


Anul aparitiei: 2004

Romania occupies a unique position on the map of Eastern Europe. It is a country that presents many paradoxes. In this book the preeminent Romanian historian Lucian Boia examines his native land's development from the Middle Ages to modern times, delineating its culture, history, language, politics and ethnic identity. Boia introduces us to the heroes and myths of Romanian history, and provides an enlightening account of the history of Romanian Communism. He shows how modernization and the influence of the West have divided the nation - town versus country, nationalists versus pro-European factions, the elite versus the masses - and argues that Romania today is in chronic difficulty as it tries to fix its identity and envision a future for itself. The book concludes with a tour of Bucharest, whose houses, streets and public monuments embody Romania's traditional values and contemporary contradictions.

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